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the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries
Genesis 37

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

Verse 1

The whole chapter, Figure of speech Hysterologia. App-6 . The last of the eleven Toledoth

Jacob. See notes on Genesis 32:28 ; Genesis 43:8 ; Genesis 45:26 , Genesis 45:28 .

Wherein = of his father ' s sojournings. S Bilhah. i.e. Dan and Naphtali, Genesis 30:6-8 .

Zilpah. i.e. Gad and Asher, Genesis 30:10-13 .

his. Hebrew their.

Verse 3

coat: with long sleeves, worn only by the chief and his heir. This the first cause of brothers' enmity. See note on Genesis 27:15 with Genesis 25:31 .

colours. Not "pieces". Marking it as priestly or royal. Exodus 28:4 , Exodus 28:39 ; Exodus 39:1 . 2Sa 13:18 , 2 Samuel 13:19 . Psalms 45:14 .

Verse 4

brethren. Hebrew sons.

Verse 5

dreamed a dream. Figure of speech Polyptoton. App-6 . For emphasis = had a significant dream.

Verse 7

in the field = in the midst of the field.

stood upright. Hebrew took its stand, or was set upright.

Verse 8

shalt thou, &c. Figure of speech Erotesis. Compare the rejection of Moses, Exodus 2:14 ; and of Christ, Luke 19:14 .

Verse 9

eleven stars = the eleven signs of the Zodiac, Joseph being the twelfth. See note on Numbers 2:2 .

made obeisance. Compare Genesis 42:6 ; Genesis 43:26 ; Genesis 44:14 .

Verse 12

their father's flock. One of the fifteen expressions with the extraordinary points (see App-31 ), indicating a doubtful reading, and suggesting that they had gone to feed themselves and make merry.

Verse 13

the flock. With the omission in Genesis 37:12 these words are unnecessary.

Shechem. Was Jacob afraid after Genesis 34:25-30 ?

Verse 17

Dothan. On the high road to Egypt for caravans from the East.

Verse 18

conspired. Compare Matthew 27:1 .

Verse 19

dreamer. Hebrew master (or lord, Baal) of dreams.

Verse 20

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton ( App-6 ), emphasizing the deliberateness of their actions.

Verse 21

him = his soul. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13 .

Verse 22

that he might rid him, &c. Figure of speech Parenthesis , by way of explanation.

Verse 23

his coat. See on Genesis 37:3 .

Verse 25

sat down. Showing their indifference. Compare Genesis 42:21 and Matthew 27:36 .

company = caravan. There was a wellorganized trade in sixteenth dynasty.

Ishmeelites. Son 39:1 . In Genesis 37:28 and Genesis 37:36 called Midianites. Ishmael was the son of Abraham by Hagar (Genesis 16:11 , Genesis 16:12 ); Midian the son of Abraham by Keturah (Genesis 25:2 ). See Judges 8:24 , Judges 8:25 , where they were mixed together, and were distinguished only by their noserings. (Compare Genesis 24:47 ; Genesis 35:4 .Exodus 32:2 , &c.)

Verse 27

sell him. A Judas sold Joseph, and a Judas sold Christ. Slaves were in great demand in Egypt.

were content = hearkened.

Verse 28

Midianites. See note on Genesis 37:25 .

they, i.e. Joseph's brethren.

twenty. The number of disappointed expectancy. See App-10 .

Verse 30

whither. Figure of speech Erotesis.

go = go in, as though to hide himself

Verse 31

killed. Heb, shahath. See App-42 .

Verse 33

And. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton ( App-6 ), in verses: Genesis 37:33 , Genesis 37:34 , to emphasize the successive steps in Jacob's grief.

without doubt. Figure of speech Polyptoton , "tearing he has been torn". Deceived by the blood of a kid, as he had deceived his father with the skin of a kid, Genesis 27:16 .

Verse 35

all his daughters. See on Genesis 30:21 , or it may be Synecdoche (of the Part), App-6 , put for all his female relatives and granddaughters.

grave. Hebrew. Sheol, first occurance of word. See App-35 .

Verse 36

Potiphar = consecrated to Ra : one of the gods of lower Egypt.

captain of the guard. Compare 2 Kings 25:8 , 2 Kings 25:11 , 2 Kings 25:20 had charge of police, as well as military duties. The whole Chapter is the Figure of speech Parecbasis ( App-6 ).

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on Genesis 37". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/genesis-37.html. 1909-1922.
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