Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(n.) The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it; as, the slack of a rope or of a sail.


(adv.) Slackly; as, slack dried hops.


(superl.) Weak; not holding fast; as, a slack hand.


(n.) Small coal; also, coal dust; culm.


(n.) A valley, or small, shallow dell.


(a.) Alt. of Slacken


(superl.) Lax; not tense; not hard drawn; not firmly extended; as, a slack rope.


(v. t.) Alt. of Slacken


(superl.) Not violent, rapid, or pressing; slow; moderate; easy; as, business is slack.


(superl.) Remiss; backward; not using due diligence or care; not earnest or eager; as, slack in duty or service.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Slack'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​s/slack.html. 1828.