Daily Devotionals
Bowen's Daily Meditations
Devotional: June 6th

"Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks." - 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18.

You are always receiving; you are always needing. There is no position that you are called to occupy in which you will not find some expressions of divine goodness. There is no cup so bitter given you by your heavenly Father that has not in it some commingled good. In everything give thanks. In the pit of Joseph. In his prosperity. In his prison. In the belly of the fish. Upon Job’s dunghill. Let John the Baptist in prison give thanks that he had received boldness to declare the truth. Let the scourged disciples rejoice that they are counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. In every trial you have this at least to give thanks for, that you are tried; for you might have been cast away as reprobate. The very fact of trial shows a thought of goodness toward you on the part of God. Observe what you are receiving, and give thanks for it: be sensible also of what you need, and pray for it.

Pray without ceasing, for -

The adversary is unceasingly on the alert.

The manna of grace does not keep.

Your nature is most volatile and mutable.

Prayer is the recognition of an unceasing fact, namely your dependence on God.
