Daily Devotionals
Bowen's Daily Meditations
Devotional: December 25th

" Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and his name shall be called Wonderful." - Isaiah 9:6.

At the very outset, the mother of mankind was informed that she was also to be the mother of some wondrous being who would snatch the race from the condition incurred by sin. Prophet after prophet arose, spoke of this future personage, sighed for his advent and passed away. How astonished must the Hebrew readers of Isaiah have been at the description given by him of the coming man. A child, a son of man; given to us and of us; yet so wonderful in his nature that you may ascribe to him all the perfections of the godhead. We know that God will not give his glory to another; this child of humanity is then no other than God himself, the mighty God, the Father of Ages.

Here is something that never would have entered into the conception of any man, even the wisest or the boldest. But supposing that men, having been led to look for such an incredible event as the birth of God in the line of fallen man, had undertaken to surmise what would be his manner of life on the earth, how different would all their fantasies have been from the reality. They would have made the deity overshadow the humanity, so that there would be no proper manifestation of this. But the humanity of Christ remains in its integrity, and there is a perfect revelation of the two natures without the least encroachment of the One upon the other. And in him we see how this humanity of ours may become wedded to divinity so that the latter may be exhibited through the medium of the former, and in ten thousand acts and words there be an uncommingled operation both of God and of the creature. " That they also may be one in us, as thou Father art in me, and I in thee ’
