Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
Devotional: August 17th

"Do not revile the king ... because a bird of the air may carry your words ..." (v. 20)

For Reading and Meditation:
     Ecclesiastes 10:16-20

Solomon draws attention to the picture of a land governed by an immature king. The NIV says "servant" (v. 16), but the real thought here is of immaturity. Moffatt translates verse 16: "Woe betide you, O land, when your king is a mere boy." In other words, woe betide you, O land, when you have a fool on the throne. In Isaiah 3:1-5 God predicted that if Israel did not listen to His word then mere children would govern them. In due course, that is what happened. Solomon's point is this - when foolishness in on the throne then chaos and disorder reign. In verse 18 Solomon returns abruptly to the characteristics of a fool. Fools are senseless people, he points out once again (v. 18). Above them are sagging rafters and a leaky roof, brought about by idleness and procrastination. In such a situation fools talk a lot, and say things such as, "Money is the answer for everything," but wise people know it is not. Money helps, but responsible living is where the real answer lies. Just talking about things will not make them improve. In fact, as verse 20 shows, mere talk can make matters worse. The saying "A little bird told me" comes from this very Scripture. Be careful how you talk about a fool, Solomon is warning, because the fool will surely find out what you have been saying about him. Then watch out! He will come at you with both guns blazing! So when dealing with a fool, take heed to Solomon's warning. Learn to keep things to yourself. Fools can be dangerous to your health.

O Father, help me discern the difference between what Your Word describes as a 'fool' and a person who is simply naive or immature. I need this discernment if I am to relate to people in the way that honors and glorifies You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Meet the Author
Every Day Light is a Christian daily devotional written by Selwyn Hughes, a Welsh Christian minister and founder of the Christian ministry Crusade for World Revival (CWR). Dr. Hughes passed away in 2006 but his devotional and ministry continues on providing deep insight into God's Word every day.