Daily Devotionals
Golden Treasury
Devotional: November 4th

The man will not be in rest, until he has finished the thing this day. Ruth 3:18.

This we may say with more reason and propriety of Christ, the Author and Finisher of faith.

O my soul, keep close to him, he will surely finish his work in thy heart. But be thou not at rest neither, but abiding, through faith, in Christ; follow holiness constantly, and press toward the mark ever, more, crying always, " The very God of peace sanctify us wholly,". 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24. That thou mayest also finish thy day’s work here in this present life, and receive thy full lot and inheritance hereafter.

Now, O Lord, grant that by thy own planting and care I may have plenty of fruits and be thoroughly prepared for mine inheritance. John 15:16. Let me cease from working in my own strength, and keep me always from running imprudently into unnecessary sufferings; but whatever measure of work and sufferings thou hast thought proper to ordain for me, grant that I may cheerfully take it upon me, and never rest until it is finished.

Then let my soul march boldly on.
Press forward to the heavenly gate,
There peace and joy eternal reign,
And glittering robes for conquerors wait.

Oh! like the sun, may I fulfil,
The appointed duties of my life.
With ready mind and active will:
March on and finish all my strife.

There shall I wear a starry crown.
And triumph in Almighty grace.
While all the armies of the skies
Join in my glorious Leader’s praise.