Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: January 6th

Genesis 3:14-24

God decides what is the responsibility of each guilty person and pronounces His threefold sentence. To the serpent it is prophesied that "the seed of the woman" (Christ) will bruise his head; in other words, it will destroy his power. As soon as sin entered into the world, God, in this way, makes known the remedy which He already had in mind. The sufferings of childbirth are reserved for the woman. The man’s lot is to be hard work until the inescapable sentence is completed "for the wages of sin is death" (Romans 5:12; Romans 6:23). Faith in the promised Redeemer allows Adam to respond to this condemnation to death by calling his wife Eve, which means living. In His turn, God responds to this faith by replacing the aprons of man’s resources with the garments of skin, which teach us this fundamental truth: the only righteousness in which man can be clothed is that in which God Himself has clothed him. But just as this garment of skin was the hide of a victim, the garment with which God covers the sinner is Christ, the Lamb put to death.

How comforting it is to see that God does not chase the man out of the garden before having revealed to him (in this figurative sense) His thoughts of grace and salvation.