Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: January 10th

Genesis 5:21-32

This chapter, however, contains a strange and notable exception to the law of death. Enoch lives for 65 years, then walks with God for 300 years, then God takes him. No detail is given either about this walk with God or of his rapture which is, in short, the last step of this walk. But what a beautiful summary of a life!

Do we know what it is to walk with God, even for one day in one single year? By his walk, which is a walk of faith, Enoch has a place in the list of shining witnesses in Hebrews 11:5. His name means "taught", and like them, he is taught by God and sees the future beyond present things. By faith he contemplates the Lord coming to reign "with ten thousands of his saints" (Judges 1:14) and this vision keeps him separate from those who are going to be judged.

Soon, like Enoch, all living believers will be removed from the earth without passing through death when the Lord Jesus comes for His own (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Has each reader been taught this truth which is blessed for those who are ready, but serious for those who are not?

Let us note that God does not send His judgment on the world without having first given promises of blessing: Noah means "consolation and repose".