Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: January 14th

Genesis 7:17-24; Genesis 8:1-5

God has finally reached the end of His patience. The waves of His judgment are pouring over the earth. Apart from the ark which was being built, no one would have foreseen it. Everything seemed to be going very well. The world was continuing on its merry way. They ate and they drank, they married and were given in marriage. They knew nothing, says the Lord Jesus, until the flood came and carried them all away (see Matthew 24:37-39). A fate as terrible as it is sudden strikes those who remained deaf to God’s invitations of grace. And this account, recorded in the Word of God, constitutes from the very mouth of the Lord Jesus, the most solemn warning to get right with God. Each person is invited to take his place in the ark today, in other words, to find in Christ a shelter from the wrath of God. But if we possess in Him this place of absolute security, let us never forget that He has been through the terrible waters of God’s judgment in our place. "All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me" (Psalms 42:7).

In the midst of this disaster which has never had its equal, Noah and his family enjoyed perfect peace. Whether the waters come up or go down, the ark will not be shipwrecked; neither will the believer who abides in Christ.