Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: April 5th

Exodus 7:1-13

In Psalms 90 (a prayer of Moses, the man of God), Moses refers to the age of 80 as the limit of life for a strong man. Yet it is the very age at which he himself commenced his service (v. 7). When God calls a servant, He begins by putting aside his natural strength; then He provides new sources of strength which emanate from Himself.

The LORD made His thoughts known in advance to Moses and Aaron. Those things which were known as plagues for the Egyptians (Exodus 9:14) were called "signs" in connection with the people of God (v. 3) and are designed for their moral instruction. It is thus that God instructs Christians on the meaning of the world, as to what it is, as to Satan and how he dupes his poor victims. His Word causes us to understand "the great judgments" which will fall on men who are found without repentance. It tells us also of the way in which He will bring His redeemed people out of this world to introduce them into the heavenly homeland (v. 4). Therefore, dear Christian friends, having been warned of all these things, what manner of people ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness! (2 Peter 3:11).

In the presence of Pharaoh and his servants Moses and Aaron put into effect the signs given to them in chapter 4. Speaking as they do of victory over Satan (the serpent) and over sin (leprosy) we can see in them a simple illustration of the gospel.