Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 1 of 5
Devotional: June 8th

Exodus 39:1-21

In describing the holy garments of Aaron, v. 3 adds a detail not given in Exodus 28 : thin golden wires had to be worked in among the threads of which the ephod was woven. The divine glory of our great High Priest shines among all the traits of His holy humanity. Let us see examples of this in the gospels. He is asleep on a pillow, but a moment later stills the wind and the sea. He weeps at the tomb of Bethany, but it is just before raising Lazarus. He pays the tax, but with a coin found in the mouth of a fish He had created. At every turn the gold of His divinity became apparent in the most ordinary circumstances of His life as man, the Man of Sorrows. This inseparable character of the glories of Jesus is stressed by the chains, the stone settings, the links and the rings which fastened all these garments securely the one to the other. We are not able to take one part away, to put in doubt a single truth concerning the blessed person of Christ, without in some way denying Him wholly. Alas! the history of the Church includes only too many examples of daring people who have not been afraid to do just that. May God grant us to recognize with mind and heart all the moral perfections, official and personal, with which the Lord Jesus is invested.