Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: February 4th

Ruth 1:15-22; Ruth 2:1-3

Orpah did not hesitate very long. On the one hand she had widowhood, unhappiness in the company of a sad, old woman, a people and a God that she did not know. On the other she had her own nation, the affection of her own family and her household idols. Her few quickly-dried tears remind us of that young man who, because he preferred riches, went away very sad instead of following the Lord. "I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest," another man says to Jesus. But Jesus warns him, "The Son of man hath not where to lay his head" (Matthew 19:22; Matthew 8:19-20). In the case of Ruth everything was very carefully weighed; she counted the cost. Her decision is irrevocable; it is a choice made by faith. She is devoted to Naomi, but particularly to her people and her God. Without looking behind nor allowing herself to be put off by fears about the future, she sets out with her mother-in-law and arrives in Bethlehem. The name means "house of bread", a wonderful shelter against spiritual famine. Once there, with Naomi’s permission, she goes off to look for food. And God leads her "by chance", (but with a sure hand) to the fields of Boaz, the man whom He has prepared to give her rest and consolation.