Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: July 14th

2 Kings 6:18-33

Three times in this chapter, in response to the prophet’s prayer, eyes are opened (vv. 17, 20) or, on the contrary, blinded (v. 18). Let us ask God to open ours and let us not lose sight, as Elisha’s servant did, of the divine power which is at our disposal. "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help" says the Psalmist (Psalms 121:1). Elijah had been a prophet only of judgment. Elisha by contrast has the privilege of using a still more effective weapon: grace. He shows mercy to his enemies, and overcomes evil with good. Our thoughts turn again to Jesus. He made apt use both of power and grace. After He had, by a word, caused those who came to arrest Him to fall to the ground, He healed the servant whose ear had been cut off by His impulsive disciple (John 18:6; Luke 22:51).

This great feast makes us think, moreover, of the "great supper" of grace (Luke 14:17). God has invited those who were His enemies to this.

Alas, the generous deed of Elisha is not repaid! The Syrians besiege Samaria, bringing about a famine with terrible consequences. But the LORD will justly make use of it to demonstrate at the same time His power and His grace.