Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 2 of 5
Devotional: November 12th

2 Chronicles 36:15-23

Even as books of grace the "Chronicles" have to conclude: "There was no remedy" (v. 16), for when grace is despised there remains only "a certain fearful looking for of judgment" (Hebrews 10:27). The sentence in v. 15: "He had compassion on his people," becomes in v. 17: "He had no compassion . . ."

In the same way the One who was "moved with compassion" towards the crowds . . . would pronounce an irrevocable sentence shortly afterwards against the towns from where the crowds came (Matthew 9:36; Matthew 11:21; Matthew 11:23). In spite of that we still find divine mercy here. The books of the Chronicles, in contrast with those of the Kings, pass very quickly over this sad, final period. And these books do not end with the transportation itself but with the decree of Cyrus which put an end to it seventy years later! In this way the unfathomable grace of God has the last word.

We can see that these events are not told to us as they would be in our history books. God does not report the facts to us simply to interest our minds or to furnish our memories. His intention is to speak to our consciences and to touch our hearts. Has He achieved this aim in speaking to you?