Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: February 9th

Job 38:19-38

1 Creation is the first evidence which God gives of Himself and every man, without exception, is responsible for discerning, by means of his intelligence, "the invisible things of him, . . . even his eternal power and Godhead". To contemplate the "things that are made" without recognizing and honouring the One who made them renders man without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).

God invites us, along with Job, to admire His beautiful universe. And who can speak of all these wonders of creation with more competence than its Author Himself? Yet the One who created light, who bound "the sweet influences of the Pleiades" and established "the ordinances of heaven" is also the One who condescends to be interested in one single soul — in this case, Job’s soul, but equally mine and yours.

Since the beginning of time, men have been drawn to examine the skies. Some even devote their whole lives to it. Is it not more important for us to devote ours to searching the Scriptures? (John 5:39). For if "the heavens declare the glory of God", (Psalms 19:1) it is the Word which bears witness to His grace.