Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: March 8th

Psalms 22:1-21

This portion of Scripture, more than any other, should be approached with "unshod feet", for it contains the most profound of all subjects: the feelings and prayers of Christ during the hours of the cross. First subjected to the wickedness of men, suffering for righteousness’s sake, He afterwards knows, during three hours of impenetrable darkness, the forsaking of His mighty God. Completely alone, the perfect Man endures this unequalled experience with the unique inward sustaining power of His matchless love. And He does not cease for an instant to trust in the One who, for the time being, cannot answer His prayer. He publicly declares His shame and His weakness (vv. 1, 2 and 6), but without any sign of impatience, or of despair, or any tendency to defend Himself.

At the cross, man gave his full measure; he showed just how far he was capable of going in his hatred, his violence, his cynicism, his moral baseness (vv. 6-8, 12, 13, 16 and 18). At the same time, however, God Himself also gave in full measure according to His own nature: in perfect righteousness against sin; in perfect love for the sinner. The cross has magnified it all. Oh! that this contemplation of the Lord Jesus dying for us might produce in each of our souls humility and gratitude, reverence and worship!