Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 3 of 5
Devotional: September 12th

Jeremiah 10:1-25

If there is an old and a good way for us to enquire about (Jeremiah 6:16), there is also another which we must guard ourselves from becoming involved in (v. 2): the way of the heathen, in other words the world. All our contacts with the world tend to imprint on us its ways of living and thinking. Clearly we cannot avoid these contacts, and some of us are particularly exposed to them because of our work. Nevertheless, let us not be too curious about or interested in the things that are in the world (Romans 16:19). The example of Dinah in Genesis 34:1 is a serious warning for us. Let us beware of those people, those books, which are prone to teach us about that dangerous path. We know the end to which this path leads those who follow it (Matthew 7:13). Serving idols was characteristic of the nations in Jeremiah’s time (just as in the world of today). God declares His thoughts about that, and causes them to be proclaimed to the nations (v. 11) in their own language (this verse is written in Aramaic in the original).

V. 23 reminds us of a twofold truth: tomorrow is not ours to arrange (James 4:13), and we are not capable of directing our own steps. Jeremiah knew that. Have we all learned it?