Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: March 8th

Ezekiel 9:1-11

Ezekiel has been able to see with his own eyes how shamefully the LORD’s glory has been trodden under foot. Thus he can now understand how well deserved the punishment is! And it is already at the door (v. 2). But God will never destroy the righteous with the wicked (Genesis 18:25). Along with the six men armed with weapons of destruction, a seventh appears who, himself, holds in his hand an instrument of grace: a writer’s ink-horn, which, on the LORD’s orders, he will use to put a mark on the foreheads of all those who were sighing and groaning because of sin (cf. Revelation 9:4; the letter T, the last in the Hebrew alphabet, serves as mark and as signature: Job 31:35). The man clothed in linen makes us think of the Lord Jesus. In Christendom at large, infiltrated by evil and about to come up for judgment, He has put His seal, the Holy Spirit, on all those who truly belong to Him: the divine sign by which God recognises His children. All the faithful having received the protective mark, the order to destroy can be given to the avengers. And the judgment must first fall on the most responsible: the defiled sanctuary that Ezekiel has visited (v. 6; cf. 1 Peter 4:17).