Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: June 19th

Luke 21:10-24

Already in Like 17, the Lord Jesus had warned His disciples of the sudden punishments which would fall on Israel and the world for having rejected Him. Yet in the midst of a people under judgment, the Lord was always able to distinguish those who belong to Him. As in ch. 12, He gives them prior warning of these difficult times and encourages them (cf. vv. 14, 15 with Luke 12:11-12). "In your patience possess ye your souls" (v. 19). This exhortation is of concern to us all. "Be patient therefore, brethren . . ." recommends James, "for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh" (James 5:7-8). God is patient (Luke 18:7) and He wants His children to show the same character.

Vv. 20, 21 were fulfilled to the letter before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. Having in the first place taken up their position around the walls, the attacking armies lifted the siege for no apparent reason and moved off northward. Then the Christians, remembering the Lord’s words, took advantage of this period of respite and hastily left the city before the Roman legions returned to overrun it. V. 24 corresponds to the period which followed – a period which will soon have lasted two thousand years.