Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: August 18th

John 19:17-30

The Man who, several days earlier, had entered into Jerusalem in all His royal majesty, is now going out bearing his cross". The same contrast is seen in the title which Pilate places on the cross, "The King of the Jews" is "Jesus of Nazareth". He is crucified between "two other", ranking alongside criminals. However this gospel does not tell us of the insults He bore from people "that passed by" (Matthew 27:39), nor of the terrible hours of abandonment when He was bearing our sins. Here there is only peace, love and obedience to God. V. 25 mentions the presence and the names of several broken-hearted women. And the Lord Jesus entrusts His mother to the disciple who knows His love the best.

Notice how, even down to the smallest details, everything must take place "that the scripture should be fulfilled": the sharing out of His clothes (v. 24); the vinegar offered to the Saviour (v. 28; see also vv. 36, 37). Then He fulfils the final act in His willing obedience: He gives up His spirit (John 10:18). On the cross His love completed everything. And if someone still thinks he has to do something to ensure his salvation, let him listen to and believe these last words of his dying Saviour, "It is finished".