Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: October 20th

Romans 2:1-16

However low a man has fallen, he will always find someone more miserable than himself with whom he can compare himself to his own advantage! The gambler will despise the poor drunkard, and the latter will feel a sense of superiority over the criminal. In reality, the root of all these vices is in our own hearts. When we judge others (v. 1), we are making it clear that we know very well how to recognize evil; we show then that we have a conscience. And that condemns us, yes us too, when in our turn we practise the same things. All men have a conscience (Genesis 3:22). In His goodness, God uses this in order to bring them to repentance (v. 4). But in no way does He authorise men to use it to judge their neighbour. There is One alone who has the right to judge; it is Jesus Christ (v. 16; John 5:22; Acts 10:42). He will bring to light one day "the secrets of men", all their deeds and hidden intentions, concealed with such care (Matthew 10:26). Confess to Him without delay your most shameful secrets. Your conscience is not a hostile voice, but a friend who comes to say to you, "Speak to the Lord Jesus about all that; He knows how to deal with it."