Daily Devotionals
Day by Day Devotional - Year 4 of 5
Devotional: December 2nd

1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Few portions of the Bible have been the subject of so much heated debate as the teachings of these chapters (v. 16). Why does the apostle, or rather the Holy Spirit, deal with questions apparently as trivial as whether a woman should have long hair or of not praying without having her head covered? Firstly, let us remember that our Christianity does not consist of a few outstanding actions performed occasionally but rather is made up of the many details of our daily life (Luke 16:10). Then again God is sovereign and is not bound to give us the reason for all that He asks of us in His Word. Obeying without questioning is the only true obedience. Thus these instructions are a kind of test for every young Christian girl or Christian woman. It is as if the Lord was asking them: will you do that for Me? Do you care enough to show by this outward sign your dependence and submission, or will you rather be governed by the demands of fashion and convenience?

Finally let us not forget this solemn fact: the invisible hosts of angels take note of the way in which believers answer to the mind of God (v. 10). What do they see in us?