Daily Devotionals
John Gossner's Treasury
Devotional: August 26th

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it! s high, I cannot attain unto it. Psalms 139:6. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? John 3:12.

David could not comprehend the omnipresence and the omniscience of God, but placed them nevertheless vividly before his eyes, and lived in the enjoyment of the mystery he did not understand. Therein he did right. Nicodemus wanted regeneration more intelligibly explained, so that he could understand it; but this the Savior did not like, and upbraided him that he did not believe upon the mere testimony of Jesus that which he would never be able to comprehend. Ezra troubled his head by trying to reason out the origin of evil and the wonderful ways and providences of God, until he had soared too high; and Uriel helped him down again by presenting to him these three problems, viz: "Weigh the fire, measure the wind, bring the day of yesterday back. " When Ezra answered, "Who beneath the heavens can do that? " Uriel answered, "When you do not understand that which grows up with you, and which is so closely related to you, how then can you think of understanding that which lies so high, how can you think of comprehending the ways of the Most High? " (Ezra’s Book 4, chap. 4). Let this serve you as a warning that you do not ask to comprehend that which is too high or too deep for you, but that you seek to comprehend that which God has placed near you. He Himself by the light of His Spirit explains to your heart all salutary truths and makes you blessed in the enjoyment of them. Do not ponder on the unsearchable mysteries of election, of predestination, of universal restoration, and the like, but use all diligence, all your faculties, and every moment of your time in thinking, speaking, and acting as an elect, foreordained and redeemed Christian. Do not ponder on the origin of evil; rather drive evil out of your heart and stop the fountain of evil in you by intimate communion with that which is good, into which you have been incorporated through Christ. Do not ponder on the duration of infernal punishment, but become good and saved by your Redeemer’s grace, that you may be worthy and certain of a blessed eternity, and escape the wrath to come. For the moments that are granted to you for that purpose are short, and you have not a single one to spare for other things. If you want to be saved, do not lose a single hour. Make haste and be saved.

Blind unbelief is sure to err.

And scan His works in vain;

God is His own interpreter.

And He will make it plain.