Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 11th of Sivan

The voice of ADONAI in power....The voice of ADONAI cracks the cedars (Psalm 29:4-5)

No heart is so hard that the voice of the Lord cannot reach it. The cedars of Lebanon were the strongest construction material known in biblical times, but they were no barrier to the Lord.

My mother—my wonderful Jewish mother—often reminded me of the cedars of Lebanon. She was so hardened to the Messiah that it seemed nothing would soften her heart. "I'll believe in your Yeshua when my rabbi tells me to," she would say. For more than twelve years, my husband and I prayed for her, but she showed no sign of openness.

Then one day, she became ill with cancer. For the first time in her life, she felt helpless, and in her time of need, she asked Yeshua for help. As her health deteriorated, her heart began to soften. As she neared the end, she slipped into a coma. One of the nurses told me that patients in a coma can often still hear, so I didn't give up. Moments before her death she told us that she had accepted Yeshua. The voice of the Lord reached my mother that day, as she lay unconscious to the world but conscious to the voice that pierced through her darkness, that tore down the cedars of hardness she had erected in her heart. He can do the same for those you love.

Don't give up hope for your loved ones who don't yet believe in Yeshua. He is able to speak to the hardest heart, until the final moment. The voice of Adonai cracks the cedars of Lebanon.

...be encouraged to pray for those I love, even if I see no sign that their hearts will ever be softened. I will trust that the voice of the Lord can reach even them.