Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 3rd of Sivan

We are the aroma of the Messiah (2 Corinthians 2:15).

The Chafetz Chayyim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen) once met a fellow Jew who had the habit of working on Shabbat (Sabbath). Reb (Rabbi) Yisrael simply took the man's hand between his own hands and wept over it, saying, "Shabbat, Shabbat." After several moments, the other man broke into weeping also. Thereafter, the worker was found in shul (synagogue) every Shabbat.

Reb Yisrael was so committed to and enamored of Judaism, as he understood it, that he radiated its concerns from the innermost core of his being—without words. Scripture tells us that through Yeshua's atonement, God has written his Torah on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31). We can feel what God feels. We can radiate the heart of God to those who do not know him. The scent of God is on us, like the perfume of a beloved spouse in whose embrace we have lingered long.

When Moshe (Moses) was coming down from the mountain of God's presence, he had a radiance of which he seemed unaware (Exodus 34:30). Are you aware that God is in you? You are a walking letter from God to humankind (2 Corinthians 3:2). You are also the balm and ointment for the scars upon the world's soul (2 Corinthians 1:4). You are more than you realize.

...be mindful of the privilege God has accorded me— to stand before humankind with the imprint of Messiah upon my heart.