Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 28th of Nisan

The angel of ADONAI, who encamps around those who fear him, delivers them (Psalm 34:8).

God promises special protection to his loved ones who fear him and serve him. That protection doesn't come by removing us from trials and difficult circumstances. His special care is most clearly seen when we are in the midst of trouble.

One day I was singing with a group on Ben-Yehudah Street in Jerusalem. A crowd of Israelis had gathered around us to enjoy our music and listen to the message of Yeshua. Suddenly, we were attacked by four yeshivah bochers (rabbinical students) seeking to disrupt our evangelistic efforts. Just when I thought we might be martyred right there in Jerusalem, a very big Israeli man jumped in between us and the students. He was at least six feet tall, completely bald, and terrifying! He stuck his finger in the faces of these students and said to them in Hebrew, "You touch them and I'll touch you." The seminary students backed off and we were able to continue our ministry. The Bible says, "the angel of Adonai, who encamps around those who fear him, delivers them." I just never knew that the angel of Adonai looked like that!

God, in his mercy, provides covering and protection for his servants in many different forms. We can trust him, no matter what the circumstances. He will be with us to preserve and protect us.

...walk in the fear of the Lord, confident of God's protection no matter what the circumstance.