Bible Dictionaries
Bruno, Giordano

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Heretic, born Nola, Italy, 1548; died Rome, Italy, 1600. He became a Dominican in 1563, and a priest, 1572. Accused of heresy, 1576, he left his order and began attacking the Church, and was excommunicated by the Calvinist Council of Geneva. A restless wanderer, he was favored by Elizabeth, and when in England, dedicated to Sir Philip Sidney his book: "The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast," viz. the Church, and vilely abused the Oxford professors when refused an invitation to lecture there. Excommunicated by the Lutherans at Helmstadt, he abjured his uncatholic doctrine and practises at Venice. Imprisoned by the Roman Inquisition, he was tried, condemned, and burned at the stake for his violent denunciations of religion and abuse of the Catholic Church.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Bruno, Giordano'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​b/bruno-giordano.html. 1910.