Bible Dictionaries
Clement III, Antipope

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Antipope (1080,1084-1100) Born Parma, Italy, c.1025;died Civita, Castellana, Italy. He was imperial chancellor for Italy, 1057-1063; helped secure the election of the anti-pope Cadalous, and accepted the Archbishopric of Ravenna to which he had been nominated by Henry IV. Disliking the reforming policy of Gregory VII, he joined the opposition party and was suspended, 1075, when he violated his oath to attend the Lenten Synod. The following year he was excommunicated because he sided with the German bishops and declared Gregory deposed. Henry IV secured his nomination, 1080, and installed him in Saint Peter's, 1084. He was soon forced to leave Rome but returned at intervals and exiled the legitimate pontiffs Victor III and Urban II. His attempt to expel Paschal II failed and he died on the way to Ravenna.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Clement III, Antipope'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/clement-iii-antipope.html. 1910.