Bible Encyclopedias
Cornice (2)

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

We add the following particulars from Parker, Gloss of Architect. s.v.: "In Classic architecture each of the orders has its peculiar cornice.

"In the Norman style of architecture, a plain face of parapet, slightly projecting from the wall, is frequently used as a cornice, and a row of blocks is often placed under it, sometimes plain, sometimes moulded or carved into heads and other ornaments, when it is called a corbel table. These blocks very commonly have a range of small arches over them. A small plain string is also sometimes used as a cornice.

"In the Early English style, the corbel-table continued in use as a cornice, but it is generally more ornamented: than in the Norman, and the arches are commonly trefoils, and well moulded; the blocks, also, are more delicately carved, either with a head on some other ornament characteristic of the style, and if there are no arches above they often support a suite of horizontal mouldings; sometimes there is a range of horizontal mouldings above the arches of the corbel-table, and sometimes the cornice consists of mouldings only, without any corbeltable. The hollow mouldings of the cornice are generally plain, seldom containing flowers or carvings, except the toothed ornament,

"In the Decorated style, the cornice is usually very regular; and though in some large buildings it has several mouldings, it principally consists of a slope above, and a deep-sunk hollow, with an astragal under it: in these hollows flowers at regular distances are often placed, and in some large buildings, and in towers, etc., there are frequently heads, and the cornice almost filled with them; other varieties of cornice may also be occasionally met with in this style.

"In the Perpendicular style, the cornice is often composed of several small mouldings, sometimes divided by one or two considerable hollows, not very deep: in plain buildings the cornice- mouldings of the preceding style are. much adhered to; but it is more often ornamented in the hollow with flowers, etc., and sometimes with figures and grotesque animals. In the latter end of this style, something very analogous to an ornamented frieze is perceived, of which the canopies to the niches in various works are examples: and the angels so profusely introduced in the late rich work are a sort of cornice ornament."

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Cornice (2)'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​c/cornice-2.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.