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Bible Commentaries
1 Timothy 1

Bullinger's Companion Bible NotesBullinger's Companion Notes

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Verse 1

apostle . App-189 . See Philippians 1:1 , Philippians 1:1 .

Jesus Christ. App-98 . Most texts read "Christ Jesus".

by. App-104 .

commandment. Greek. epitage . See Romans 16:26 .

God. App-98 .

Saviour. God is called "Saviour", here, 1 Timothy 2:3 .Luke 1:47 . Titus 1:3 ; Titus 2:10 ; Titus 3:4 .Jude 1:25 , Elsewhere the title is used of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord. The texts omit.

Jesus Christ. The texts read "Christ. Jesus". App-98 .

which is. Read "Who is".

hope , Compare vol. 1, 5, 23, 27. Titus 2:13 .

Verse 2

Unto = To.

own . Greek. gesios . See 2 Corinthians 8:8 .

son . App-108 .

in . App-104 .

faith. App-110 .

Grace, mercy, and peace . This salutation is peculiar to the Epistles to Timothy and Titus.

Grace . App-184 . from. App-104 .

Father. App-98 .

Jesus Christ. Read "Christ Jesus".

Lord. App-98 .

Verse 3

besought. App-134 .

abide. Greek. prosmeno See Acts 11:23 .

at . App-104 .

into . App-104 .

that = in order that. Greek. hina

charge. Greek. parangello . See Acts 1:4 .

some, App-124 .

that they, &c. = not ( App-105 ) to teach otherwise (Greek. heterodidaskaleo . Only here and 1 Timothy 6:3 ).

Verse 4

Neither . Greek. mede .

fables . Greek. muthos . Occurs also 1 Timothy 4:7 . 2 Timothy 4:4 .Titus 1:14 , 2 Peter 1:16 .

endless . Greek. aperantos . App-151 .

genealogies . Greek. genealogia Only here and Titus 3:9 . Referring to the list of emanations of AEONS according to the Gnostics.

questions . Greek. zetesis . See Acts 25:20 . All the occ, of the word show what questions occupy the natural mind.

godly edifying = dispensation (Gn oikonomia , 1 Corinthians 9:17 ) of God (1 Timothy 1:1 ). A few texts read oikodome , as 1 Corinthians 14:3 , 1Co 14:5 , 1 Corinthians 14:12 .

Verse 5

commandment. Greek. perengelia . See Acts 5:28 .

charity. App-135 .

out of. App-104 , good conscience. See Acts 23:1 .

unfeigned. Greek. anupokritos. See Romans 12:9 .

Verse 6

having swerved . Greek. astocheo. Elsewhere, 1 Timothy 6:21 . 2 Timothy 2:18 .

have . Omit,

turned aside . Greek. ektrepowai. Elsewhere, 5, 15; 1 Timothy 6:20 . 2 Timothy 4:4 .Hebrews 12:13 .

unto . App-104 .

vain jangling . Greek. mataiologia . Only here. Compare Titus 1:10 .

Verse 7

Desiring . App-102 .

teachers of the law . Greek. nomodidaskalos . See Luke 5:17 .

understanding , &c, There are double negatives in this phrase, me at the beginning, and mete, mete , neither, nor.

whereof = concerning ( App-104 .) what.

affirm . Greek. diabebaioomai. Only here and Titus 3:8 .

Verse 8

know . App-132 .

if , App-118 .

a man . Greek. tis. App-123 .

lawfully. Gr nomimos Only here and 2 Timothy 2:5 .

Verse 9

not . App-105 .

made = appointed.

righteous. App-191 .

lawless . App-128 .

disobedient = not under subjection,

undisciplined . Greek. anupotaktos . Here; Titus 1:6 , Titus 1:10 . Hebrews 2:8 .

ungodly . Greek. asebes See Romans 4:5 .

sinners . Greek. hamartalos . Compare App-128 .

unholy . Greek. anosios Here and 2 Timothy 3:2 . Contrast Acts 2:21 .

profane . Gr bebelos . Here, 1 Timothy 4:4 ; 1Ti 6:20 . 2 Timothy 2:16 . Hebrews 12:16 .

murderers , &c. Greek. patraloas . . . metratoas . Only here.

man Greek. androphones . Only here.

Verse 10

them that , &c. Greek. arsenokoites . See 1 Corinthians 6:9 ,

men . Greek. andropodistes. Only here.

perjured persons . Greek. epiorkos . Only here

if App-118 .

there be . Omit

other . App-124 .

that . Omit.

sound . Greek. hugiaino , See Luke 5:31 .

Verse 11

According to. App-104 .

glorious gospel = gospel ( App-140 ) of the glory (p. 1511). Compare 2 Corinthians 4:4 .

blessed . Only in this epistle is "blessed" (or happy), Greek. makarios, applied to God, here and 1 Timothy 6:15 .

which , &c. = with which I was entrusted. App-150 .

Verse 12

And. Omit.

thank. Literally I have thanks ( App-184 .) to.

Christ Jesus . App-98 .

bath . Omit.

enabled. Greek. endanamoe. See Acts 9:22 .

faithful App-160 .

ministry. App-190 .

Verse 13

persecutor. Greek. dioktes . Only here.

injurious = an insulter. Greek. hubristes . Only here and Romans 1:30 .

obtained mercy. Compare 1 Corinthians 1:26 . 2 Corinthians 4:1 .

ignorantly = not knowing. Compare Luke 23:34 .Acts 3:17 .

Verse 14

was exceeding , &c. = abounded over all. Greek. husperpleonazo . Only here. Compare Romans 5:20 .

with. App-104 .

love. Same as "charity", 1 Timothy 1:5 .

Verse 15

saying. App-121 . This is the first of five "faithful sayings" in the Pastoral Epistles. Compare 1Ti 3:1 ; 1 Timothy 4:9 . 2 Timothy 2:11 , Titus 3:8 , Compare Revelation 21:5 ; Revelation 22:6 .

acceptation . Greek. apodoche . Only here and 1 Timothy 4:9 . world. App-129 .

chief. Greek. protos . Here "foremost", i.e. first in position.

Verse 16

for this cause = on account of ( App-104 . 1 Timothy 1:2 ) this.

first . See "chief", 1 Timothy 1:16 .

for. App-104 .

pattern . Greek. hupotuposis . Only here and a Tim. 1 Timothy 1:13 .

to = of.

should hereafter = are about to.

believe on . App-150

to. App-104 . life. App-110 .

everlasting. App-161 . Paul was converted through the visible appearance of the Lord from heaven, Others will be (Zechariah 12:10 ).

Verse 17

King eternal = King of the ages ( App-151 .) The some expression Occurs in the Greek text of Tobit 13.6, 10, and the "God of the ages", Thes ton anionon , in Ecc 36:17 . Compare Isaiah 9:6 . Jeremiah 10:10 .

immortal. Greek. aphtharlos . See Romans 1:23 . Compare, 1 Timothy 6:16 .

invisible . Greek. aorates . See Romans 1:20 . Compare 1 Timothy 6:16 . Exodus 33:20 . John 1:18 . Colossians 1:15 , Hebrews 11:27 .

wise. The texts omit, the word having crept in from Romans 16:27 .

honour and glory . These words are coupled together in Hebrews 2:7 , Hebrews 2:9 ; 2 Peter 1:17 . Revelation 4:9 , Revelation 4:11 ; Revelation 5:12 , Revelation 5:13 ; Revelation 19:1 , in describing Divine glory, and in reference to man in Romans 2:7 , Romans 2:10 . Revelation 21:24 , Revelation 21:26 .

glory . See p. 1511.

for ever and ever. App-151 .

Verse 18

charge. Same as "commandment",1 Timothy 1:5; 1 Timothy 1:5 .

commit. Greek. paratithemi . See Acts 17:3 .

which went before = going before. Compare 1 Timothy 4:14 .

on . App-104 . by, App-104 .

war. Greek. strateuomai. See 1 Corinthians 9:7 .

a = the.

warfare . Greek. strateia . Only here and 2 Corinthians 10:4 . This clause exhibits the Figs, Paronomasia and Polyptoton , App-6 . Greek. strateue strateian ,

Verse 19

put away = thrust away. Greek. apdtheemai . See Acts 7:27 .

concerning . App-104 .

faith = the faith (1 Timothy 1:2 ).

have . Omit,

made shipwreck . Greek. nauageo . Only here and 2 Corinthians 11:25 .

Verse 20

Hymenaeus . Compare 2 Timothy 2:17 , 2 Timothy 2:18 .

Alexander , Compare 2 Timothy 4:14 , 2 Timothy 4:15 .

have . Omit.

delivered . Greek. paradidomi. See John 19:30 .

Satan . Compare e Cor. 1 Timothy 5:5 .

not. App-106 . as in 1 Timothy 1:7 .

Bibliographical Information
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Commentary on 1 Timothy 1". "Bullinger's Companion bible Notes". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bul/1-timothy-1.html. 1909-1922.
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