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Bible Encyclopedias
Karl Rudolf Hagenbach

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

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KARL RUDOLF HAGENBACH (1801-1874), German church historian, was born on the 4th of March 180r at Basel, where his father was a practising physician. His preliminary education was received at a Pestalozzian school, and afterwards at the gymnasium, whence in due course he passed to the newly reorganized local university. He early devoted himself to theological studies and the service of the church, while at the same time cherishing and developing broad "humanistic" tendencies which found expression in many ways and especially in an enthusiastic admiration for the writings of Herder. The years1820-1823were spent first at Bonn, where G. C. F. Dicke (1791-1855) exerted a powerful influence on his thought, and afterwards at Berlin, where Schleiermacher and Neander became his masters. Returning in 1823 to Basel, where W. M. L. de Wette had recently been appointed to a theological chair, he distinguished himself greatly by his trial-dissertation, Observationes historicohermeneuticae circa Origenis methodum interpretendae sacrae Scripturae; in 1824 he became professor extraordinarius, and in 1829 professor ordinarius of theology. Apart from his academic labours in connexion with the history of dogma and of the church, he lived a life of great and varied usefulness as a theologian, a preacher and a citizen; and at his "jubilee" in 1873, not only the university and town of Basel but also the various churches of Switzerland united to do him honour. He died at Basel on the 7th of June 1874.

Hagenbach was a voluminous author in many departments, but he is specially distinguished as a writer on church history. Though neither so learned and condensed as the contributions of Gieseler, nor so original and profound as those of Neander, his lectures are clear, attractive and free from narrow sectarian prejudice. In dogmatics, while avowedly a champion of the "mediation theology" (Vermittelungstheologie ), based upon the fundamental conceptions of Herder and Schleiermacher, he was much less revolutionary than were many others of his school. He sought to maintain the old confessional documents, and to make the objective prevail over the purely subjective manner of viewing theological questions. But he himself was aware that in the endeavour to do so he was not always successful, and that his delineations of Christian dogma often betrayed a vacillating and uncertain hand.

His works include Tabellarische Ubersicht der Dogmengeschichte (1828); Encyclopcidie u. Methodologie der theol. Wissenschaften (1833); Vorlesungen fiber Wesen u. Geschichte der Reformation u. des Protestantismus (1834-1843); Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte (1840-1841, 5th ed., 1867; English transl., 1850); Vorlesungen fiber die Geschichte der alten Kirche (1853-1855); Vorlesungen fiber die Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters (1860-1861); Grundlinien der Homiletik u. Liturgik (1863); biographies of Johannes Oecolampadius (1482-1564) and Oswald Myconius (1488-1552) and a Geschichte der theol. Schule Basels (1860); his Predigten (1858-1875), two volumes of poems entitled Luther u. seine Zeit (1838), and Gedichte (1846). The lectures on church history under the general title Vorlesungen fiber die Kirchengeschichte von der dltesten Zeit bis zum r9ten Jahrhundert were reissued in seven volumes (1868-1872).

See especially the article in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopcidie.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Karl Rudolf Hagenbach'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​k/karl-rudolf-hagenbach.html. 1910.
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