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Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Genesis 2:3
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And blessed the seuenth daye, & sanctified it, because yt in it he rested from all his workes, which God created and made.
Genesis 2:23
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Then sayde man: This is once bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shalbe called woman, because she was take of man.
Genesis 3:10
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And he saide: I herde thy voyce in the garden, and was afrayed, because I am naked, and therfore I hyd my self.
Genesis 3:14
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Then sayde the LORDE God vnto the serpent: Because thou hast done this, cursed be thou aboue all catell and aboue all beastes of the felde. Vpon thy bely shalt thou go, & earth shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy life.
Genesis 3:20
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And Adam called his wyfe Heua, because she is the mother of all lyuynge.
Genesis 10:25
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Eber begat two sonnes: the name of the one was Peleg, because that in his tyme the worlde was deuyded, and his brothers name was Iaketan,
Genesis 11:9
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Therfore is it called Babell, because the LORDE cofounded there the language of all the worlde, and from thece scatred them abrode in to all londes.
Genesis 12:17
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But ye LORDE plaged Pharao & his house wt greate plages, because of Sarai Abras wife.
Genesis 16:5
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Then sayde Sarai vnto Abram: I must suffre wronge for thy sake. I layde my mayde by the: but now because she seyth, that she hath conceaued, I must be despysed in hir sight: the LORDE be iudge betwene me and the.
Genesis 16:11
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And the angel of the LORDE sayde further vnto her: Beholde, thou art with childe, & shalt bringe forth a sonne, and shalt call his name Ismael, because the LORDE hath herde yi trouble.
Genesis 17:14
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And yf there shalbe any manchilde vncircumcided in the foreskinne of his flesh, his soule shalbe roted out from his people, because he hath broken my couenaunt.
Genesis 18:28
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Peraduenture there maye be fyue lesse then fiftie righteous therin: Wilt thou then destroye the whole cite because of those fyue? He sayde: yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin, I will not destroye them?
Genesis 19:13
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for we must destroye this place, because the crye of them is greate before the LORDE, which hath sent vs to destroye them.
Genesis 19:16
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But whyle he prolonged the tyme, the men caught him and his wife, and his two doughters by the hande (because the LORDE was mercifull vnto him,) and brought him forth, & set him without the cite.
Genesis 20:18
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For a fore the LORDE had closed all the matrices of Abimelechs house, because of Sara Abrahams wife.
Genesis 21:11
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This worde displeased Abraham sore, because of his sonne.
Genesis 21:12
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Neuertheles God sayde vnto him: let it not displease the because of the childe and the hand mayde: What so euer Sara hath sayde vnto the, folowe it, for in Isaac shall the sede be called vnto the.
Genesis 21:13
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As for the honde maydens sonne, I wyll make a people of him also, because he is of thy sede.
Genesis 21:31
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Therfore is the place called Berseba, because they sware there both together.
Genesis 22:18
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and in thy sede shal all the nacions of the earth be blessed, because thou hast herkened vnto my voyce.
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