Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Genesis 22:18
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and by your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice."
Genesis 25:21
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And Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
Genesis 25:28
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Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his game; but Rebekah loved Jacob.
Genesis 26:5
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because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."
Genesis 26:7
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When the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, "She is my sister"; for he feared to say, "My wife," thinking, "lest the men of the place should kill me for the sake of Rebekah"; because she was fair to look upon.
Genesis 26:9
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So Abim'elech called Isaac, and said, "Behold, she is your wife; how then could you say, 'She is my sister'?" Isaac said to him, "Because I thought, 'Lest I die because of her.'"
Genesis 26:20
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the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.
Genesis 27:20
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But Isaac said to his son, "How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?" He answered, "Because the LORD your God granted me success."
Genesis 27:23
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And he did not recognize him, because his hands were hairy like his brother Esau's hands; so he blessed him.
Genesis 27:41
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Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, "The days of mourning for my father are approaching; then I will kill my brother Jacob."
Genesis 27:46
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Then Rebekah said to Isaac, "I am weary of my life because of the Hittite women. If Jacob marries one of the Hittite women such as these, one of the women of the land, what good will my life be to me?"
Genesis 28:11
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And he came to a certain place, and stayed there that night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place to sleep.
Genesis 29:15
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Then Laban said to Jacob, "Because you are my kinsman, should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what shall your wages be?"
Genesis 29:20
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So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.
Genesis 29:32
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And Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she said, "Because the LORD has looked upon my affliction; surely now my husband will love me."
Genesis 29:33
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She conceived again and bore a son, and said, "Because the LORD has heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also"; and she called his name Simeon.
Genesis 29:34
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Again she conceived and bore a son, and said, "Now this time my husband will be joined to me, because I have borne him three sons"; therefore his name was called Levi.
Genesis 30:18
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Leah said, "God has given me my hire because I gave my maid to my husband"; so she called his name Is'sachar.
Genesis 30:20
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Then Leah said, "God has endowed me with a good dowry; now my husband will honor me, because I have borne him six sons"; so she called his name Zeb'ulun.
Genesis 30:27
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But Laban said to him, "If you will allow me to say so, I have learned by divination that the LORD has blessed me because of you;
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