Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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1 John 2:27
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The anointing you received from him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. Instead, because his anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not a lie, abide in him, as he taught you to do.to do">[fn]Jeremiah 31:33-34; John 14:26; 16:13; Hebrews 8:10-11; 1 John 2:20;">[xr]
1 John 3:1
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See what kind of love the Father has given us in letting us be called God's children! Yet that is what we are.Yet that is what we are.">[fn] For this reason the world does not recognize us, because it did not recognize him either.John 1:12; 15:18-19; 16:3; 17:25;">[xr]
1 John 3:2
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Dear friends, we are now God's children, but what we will be like has not been revealed yet. We know that when Christhe">[fn] is revealed we will be like him, because we will see him as he is.Job 1:19:26; Psalm 16:11; Isaiah 56:5; Matthew 5:8; Romans 8:15,18, 29; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 15:49; 2 Corinthians 4:17; 5:7; Galatians 3:26; 4:6; Philippians 3:21; Colossians 3:4; 2 Peter 1:4; 1 John 5:1;">[xr]
1 John 3:8
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The person who practices sin belongs to the evil one, because the devil has been sinning since the beginning. The reason that the Son of God was revealed was to destroy the works of the devil.Genesis 3:15; Matthew 13:38; Luke 10:18; John 8:44; 16:11; Hebrews 2:14;">[xr]
1 John 3:9
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No one who has been born from God practices sin, because God'shis">[fn] seed abides in him. Indeed, he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born from God.1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 5:18;">[xr]
1 John 3:12
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Do not be like Cain,Not like Cain">[fn] who was from the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother's were righteous.Genesis 4:4,8; Hebrews 11:4; Jude 1:11;">[xr]
1 John 3:14
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We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love one another. The person who does not lovedoesn't love his brother">[fn] remains in death.1 John 2:9-11;">[xr]
1 John 3:22
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Whatever we request we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.Psalm 34:15; 145:18-19; Proverbs 15:20; Jeremiah 29:12; Matthew 7:8; 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 8:29; 9:31; 14:13; 15:7; 16:23-24; James 5:16; 1 John 5:14;">[xr]
1 John 4:1
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Dear friends, stop believingdo not believe">[fn] every spirit. Instead, test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.Jeremiah 29:8; Matthew 24:4-5,24; Acts 20:30; 1 Corinthians 14:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 2:18; 2 John 1:1:7; Revelation 2:2;">[xr]
1 John 4:4
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Little children, you belong to God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 1 Corinthians 2:12; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; 1 John 5:4;">[xr]
1 John 4:7
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Dear friends, let us continually love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.1 John 3:10-11,22;">[xr]
1 John 4:8
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The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.1 John 2:4;">[xr]
1 John 4:17
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This is how love has been perfected among us: we will have confidence on the day of judgment because, while we are in this world, we are just like him.James 2:13; 1 John 2:28;">[xr]
1 John 4:19
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We lovelove him; still other mss. read love God">[fn] because he first loved us.
1 John 5:4
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because everyone who is born from God has overcome the world. Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world.John 16:33; 1 John 3:9; 4:4;">[xr]
1 John 5:6
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This man, Jesus Christ, is the one who came by water and blood - not with water only, but with water and with blood. The Spirit is the one who verifies this, because the Spirit is the truth.John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 19:34; 1 Timothy 3:16;">[xr]
1 John 5:9
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If we accept human testimony, God's testimony is greater, because it is the testimony of God and because he has testified about his Son.Matthew 3:16-17; 17:5; John 8:17-18;">[xr]
2 John 1:2
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because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever.
Jude 1:4
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For some people have slipped in among you unnoticed. They were written about long ago as being deserving of this condemnation because they are ungodly. They turn the grace of our God into uncontrollable lust and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.[xr]
Revelation 1:7
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Look! He is coming in the clouds.[xr] Every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him.So be it! Amen.
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