Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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2 John 1:11
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for he that saluteth him, is partaker of his euell dedes.
3 John 1:7
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For because of his names sake they wente forth, and toke nothinge of the Heythen.
Jude 1:3
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Beloued, when I gaue all diligence to wryte vnto you of the commen saluacion: it was nedefull for me to wryte vnto you, to exhorte you, that ye shulde continually laboure in the faith which was once geue vnto the sayntes.
Jude 1:4
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For there are certayne craftely crept in, of which it was wrytten afore tyme vnto soche iudgement. They are vngodly, and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantanes, and denye God the onely LORDE, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ.
Jude 1:5
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My minde is therfore to put you in remebrauce, for as moche as ye once knowe this, how that ye LORDE (after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt) destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not.
Jude 1:7
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euen as Sodom and Gomor, and the cities aboute them (which in lyke maner defiled them selues with fornicacion and folowed straunge flesshe) are set forth for an ensample, and suffre the vengeaunce of eternall fyre.
Jude 1:11
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Wo be vnto the, for they haue folowed the waye of Cain, and are vtterly geue to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake, and perysshe in the treason of Core.
Jude 1:13
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They are the ragynge waues of the see, fominge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge starres, to who is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer.
Jude 1:21
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and kepe youre selues in the loue of God, lokinge for the mercy of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, vnto eternall life.
Jude 1:25
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yt is to saye, to God oure saueoure which only is wyse, be glory, maiestie, dominion, & power, now and for euer. Amen.
Revelation 1:1
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The reuelacion of Iesus Christ, which God gaue vnto him, for to shewe vnto his seruautes thiges which muste shortly come to passe. And he sent and shewed by his angel vnto his seruaunt Ihon
Revelation 1:3
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Happy is he yt readeth, and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe thoo thinges which are wrytten therin. For the tyme is at honde.
Revelation 1:6
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and made vs kinges & Prestes vnto God his father, be glory, and dominion for euer more. Amen.
Revelation 1:9
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I Ihon youre brother and copanyon in tribulacion, and in the kyngdome and paciece which is in Iesu Christe, was in the yle of Pathmos for the worde of God, and for ye witnessynge of Iesu Christe.
Revelation 1:18
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and am alyue, and was deed. And beholde, I am alyue for euer more and haue the kayes of hell & of deth.
Revelation 2:3
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and hast suffred. And hast paciece: and for my names sake hast laboured and hast not faynted.
Revelation 2:4
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Neuerthelesse I haue somwhat agaynst the, for thou hast lefte thy fyrst loue.
Revelation 3:2
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Be awake, and strength the thinges which remayne, that are redy to dye. For I haue not founde thy workes perfecte before God.
Revelation 3:4
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Thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, which haue not defyled their garmentes: and they shal walke with me in whyte, for they are worthy.
Revelation 3:8
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I knowe thy workes. Beholde, I haue set before the an open doore, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a lyttell strength and hast not denyed my name.
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