Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Psalms 73:28
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As for me, it is good for me to draw neere to God: therefore I haue put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy workes.
Psalms 75:1
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To him that excelleth Destroy not. A Psalme or song committed to Asaph. We will prayse thee, O God, we will prayse thee, for thy Name is neere: therefore they will declare thy wonderous workes.
Psalms 76:8
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Thou didest cause thy iudgement to bee heard from heauen: therefore the earth feared and was still,
Psalms 78:21
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Therefore the Lord heard and was angrie, and the fire was kindled in Iaakob, & also wrath came vpon Israel,
Psalms 78:33
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Therefore their daies did hee consume in vanitie, and their yeeres hastily.
Psalms 82:8
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O God, arise, therefore iudge thou the earth: for thou shalt inherite all nations.
Psalms 89:21
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Therefore mine hande shall be established with him, and mine arme shall strengthen him.
Psalms 91:14
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Because he hath loued me, therefore will I deliuer him: I will exalt him because hee hath knowen my Name.
Psalms 106:17
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Therefore the earth opened & swallowed vp Dathan, & couered the companie of Abiram.
Psalms 106:23
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Therefore he minded to destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stand in the breach before him to turne away his wrath, least he shoulde destroy them.
Psalms 106:26
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Therefore hee lifted vp his hande against them, to destroy them in the wildernesse,
Psalms 106:40
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Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, and he abhorred his owne inheritance.
Psalms 106:43
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Many a time did hee deliuer them, but they prouoked him by their counsels: therefore they were brought downe by their iniquitie.
Psalms 107:8
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Let them therefore confesse before ye Lorde his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.
Psalms 107:15
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Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.
Psalms 107:21
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Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, & his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men,
Psalms 108:7
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God hath spoken in his holinesse: therefore I will reioyce, I shall deuide Shechem and measure the valley of Succoth.
Psalms 110:7
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He shall drinke of the brooke in the way: therefore shall he lift vp his head.
Psalms 112:8
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His heart is stablished: therefore he will not feare, vntill he see his desire vpon his enemies.
Psalms 116:10
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I beleeued, therefore did I speake: for I was sore troubled.
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