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the Week of Proper 6 / Ordinary 11
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Language Studies

Greek Thoughts

NOUS - Part 6 - ὑπὸστασις (Strong's #5287)
Mind, thought, understanding, spiritual perception

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Multi-Part Article

This is the sixth part of our study of the word νοῦς (Strong's #3563) which, in the general sense, represents the perceptive ability of the mind. In its specific application to the believer, it refers to a person's ability to perceive spiritual truth. In our first three studies, we established that Paul teaches, in Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:23, that the renewing and transformation of the mind (νοῦς) is the Christian's most important need after salvation. Paul enhances our understanding of the process of transformation with his teaching in 1 Corinthians 1:10 that believers are to be involved in the process of being knit together in the same perception (νοῦς) and judgment.

In the second phase of our study, taken from 1 Corinthians 2:9-16, Paul teaches that the natural man, using his natural psychical function, cannot perceive the things of God because the spiritual things of the Lord are revealed to man by the Spirit of God. Therefore, the person who does not know Christ cannot discern the things of the Lord; but the Christian, as a person who is filled with the Spirit of God, discerns all things because he has the mind (νοῦς) of Christ.

Last week we studied an application of this teaching from Luke 24:28-45 where we see Jesus purposely keeping two disciples from being able to recognize Him because of the condition of their hearts. However, after He ministers to them and their heart conditions, He reveals Himself to them. Later, Jesus opens the understanding (νοῦς) of an entire group of disciples so that they are able to understand the Scriptures. The message we find here in God's Word is that a person can only perceive and understand the spiritual things of Christ by the Spirit of God revealing them. Additionally, the Lord is able to cause a person to understand, or to keep a person from understanding, the true nature of God. Hence, the Biblical truth, without Him we cannot do one thing (John 15:5).

This week, we are going to continue to study the theme of the Lord's sovereign choice to either reveal or blind people to the truth through the capacities of the νοῦς. Our study is from Romans 1:18-28. All Scripture is literal in translation.

Paul's letter to the Romans is like no other written by him. It is placed at the beginning of his series of Biblical letters because Romans is considered to be The Constitution of the Christian Faith. Within it, Paul presents the doctrine of the Christian faith in the form of a legal brief, as if he is presenting his arguments to a court of law. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul presents his introductory arguments. In verse 18, Paul presents the first of three points.

For the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness;

Paul opens his presentation by stating that the wrath of God is presently being revealed from heaven against all of those who are holding down, or suppressing the truth, while living in unrighteousness.

In verses 19-23, Paul presents his second point giving the reason why God's wrath is presently being revealed from heaven.

on account of that which may be knownF1 of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it to them.

For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived (νοὲω Strong's #3539) by the things made, both His eternal power and divine nature, so that they are without excuse;F2

Paul teaches that God has revealed the invisible things about Himself through Creation and this revelation is received through the "perceptive processes" of the mind. Paul is saying that everyone can see both God's eternal power and His divine nature because He gives everyone the ability to perceive this revelation of Himself. This teaching is also presented in Psalm 19:1-4 and is quoted by Paul in Romans 10:18. The teaching is summarized in John 1:9 when John says of Jesus, "He was the true light who is enlightening every person coming into the world." No one will ever stand before God with the excuse that they didn't know the truth, that no one ever told them; because these scriptures present that every person is being enlightened to the eternal power and divine nature of God through Creation itself; therefore, according to Scripture "they are without excuse."

Now Paul presents the "crime" humanity has committed against God.

on account of having known God, they did not glorify Him as God nor gave thanks, but became vain in their thoughts, and their ignorant heart was darkened.

After being enlightened to the invisible things of God's person and nature, the human race did not glorify God as God nor did it give Him thanks; instead, Man became worthless in his reasonings; and his heart, being without understanding, was spiritually darkened.

While professing to be wise, they became foolish,

and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God in a likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds and of four-footed animals and reptiles.

The end result of Man's rejection of God as He has revealed Himself, is the adoption of a philosophy exalting what is human and base over God Himself. These who reject the knowledge of God think that they are wise, but Scripture says they are actually foolish, having changed the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, birds, and animals.

In verses 24-28, Paul presents the third point of his three part opening statement. He now describes the judgment of God that is currently upon those who have rejected the knowledge of the true God and have chosen to worship themselves.

On account of which God also gave them over in the desires of their hearts for uncleanness, so that they might dishonor their bodiesF3 among themselves;F4

In the first of two descriptions of God's judgment, Paul teaches that God gave those who rejected Him over "in the desires of their hearts" for the purpose of working moral uncleanness, that is, "to dishonor their bodies among themselves."

who exchanged the truth of God in the lie, and reverenced and served the creation more than the One having created, Who is blessed forever. Amen.

Paul explains that this harsh judgment, which is currently taking place among human beings, is actually the result of God delivering people over to their chosen object of worship. This text is one of the clearest passages in God's Word wherein the free-will decision of man and the sovereignty of God are presented. God testifies, by His Spirit, to the heart and mind of each person. He allows each one to respond to the enlightenment He gives to all people. Those who reject the preliminary testimony given to them by the Lord, are given over to that which they have chosen to worship and serve. This is a fixed, sovereign law of God applying to all people who reject Him.

Paul now uses the second "God gave them over" statement to further clarify the description of God's judgment.

On account of this God gave them over into passions of dishonor, for which both their females exchanged the natural use for that which is against nature;

and in like manner also the males, having left the natural use of the female, burned in their craving toward one another, males among malesF5 working out the shameful act, and receiving the reward of their error which was necessary.

Those who reject the truth of God will be given over to passions of dishonor, which are described as the corrupted use of God's natural design for human sexual activity. In addition, and because of this, they will receive the penalty for it in their bodies. Paul presents, in summary form, the law of God in life, as also expressed in Galatians 6:7-8, people will reap whatever they have sown.

And according as they did not approveF6 to have God in their knowledge, God gave them over unto a disapprovedF7 mind (νοῦς), so that they might practice the things not being proper,F8

In the Greek text, this verse is a play on words. They did not "approve" to have God in their knowledge, so God gave them over to a disapproved of mind (νοῦς) in order that they might do that which is not proper. In this, his third use of the phrase, "God gave them over," Paul reiterates that people have "rejected" having God in their knowledge because they have rejected God revealing Himself through their "perception," God gives them over to a perverted perception in order that they might do the things which are not proper, which he describes in verses 29-32.

Paul continues his legal argument through the book of Romans in order to bring the understanding and conviction that all are guilty, both Jew and Gentile, and that all need a Savior to pay the penalty and bear the punishment for Sin.

In summary, not only does the Lord give people the revelation of Himself and the truth of His Word, but He also gives people over to a perverted perception of God, the human race, and life itself. It should be noted that God does not arbitrarily chose to favor some and punish others; He responds to what a person does with the testimony of His Spirit to his heart. If the heart of a human being rejects the testimony of the Spirit of God, God will reject him and give him over to that "god" whom he has chosen to serve. The Bible clearly teaches that man has a free-will response to the preliminary testimony of God's Spirit given through Creation; however, it also teaches that God responds to our free-will choice either by giving us the ability to perceive Him and His truth or by giving us over to a corrupted perception of life.

Next week we will continue our study of νοῦς from Romans Chapter Seven.

Technical Notes:

F1: The singular, neuter adjective τὸ͂γνωστὸν, "the thing known" is translated by τῖδὺναταῖνὰ͂γνωρισθῇ, "what is able that should be known."

F2: The preposition of purpose εἰς͂τὸ͂εἶναῖαὐτους͂ἀναπολογὴτους, "unto the to be them without excuse" is translated, ὥστε͂αὐτοὶ͂εἶναῖἀναπολὸγητοι, "so that they are without excuse."

F3: The articular infinitive of purpose τοῦ͂ἀτιμὰζεσθαῖτὰ͂σὼματᾶαὐτῶν, "the to dishonor their bodies" is translated ὥστε͂νὰ͂ἀτιμὰζεσθαῖτὰ͂σὼματᾶαὐτῶν, "so that they might dishonor their bodies."

F4: The prepositional phrase ἐν͂ἐαυτοῖς, "in themselves" is translated μεταξὺ͂ἑαυτῶν, "among themselves."

F5: The prepositional phrase ἐν͂ἂρσεσι, "in males" is translated by μεταξὺ͂ἂρσενας, "among males."

F6: δοκιμὰζω (Strong's #1381) means to approve of something after testing, such as metals or coins. Here it is used with the negative particle οὐκ which means they did not approve or rejected to have the knowledge of God after experiencing or testing when God revealed Himself to them.

F7: ἀδὸκιμος (Strong's #96) is the adjective form of δοκιμὰζω above with ἀ used as a negative particle. ̓Αδὸκιμος means to be disapproved or rejected after testing. In application it means that because they "rejected" to have the knowledge of God, He rejected them from coming to a complete knowledge of Him.

F8: The infinitive of purpose ποιεῖν͂τὰ͂μὴ͂καθὴκοντα, "to do the thing not fitting" is translated by ὥστε͂νὰ͂πρὰττωσῖτὰ͂μὴ͂πρὲποντα, "so that they should practice the things not being proper."

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'Greek Thoughts' Copyright 2024© Bill Klein. 'Greek Thoughts' articles may be reproduced in whole under the following provisions: 1) A proper credit must be given to the author at the end of each article, along with a link to https://www.studylight.org/language-studies/greek-thoughts.html  2) 'Greek Thoughts' content may not be arranged or "mirrored" as a competitive online service.

Meet the Author

Bill Klein has been a pastor, counselor, and educator for the past 41 years. He has had extensive training and education in biblical languages, and has authored a Biblical Greek course.

He is currently serving as Professor of Biblical Greek at Master's Graduate School of Divinity, and president of BTE Ministries - The Bible Translation and Exegesis Institute of America, a non-profit organization located in California that provides Bible study tapes and Greek study materials through their website BTEMinistries.org.

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