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Language Studies

Greek Thoughts

TAPEINOS* - Part 4 - εχηγεομαι (Strong's #1834)
Humble, lowly, poor

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Please note that all Biblical quotes are presented from the Literal Translation.

Today we conclude our study of the adjective ταπεινὸς (Strong's #5011), which describes the condition or state of one who is humble or lowly. So far we have learned that it is necessary for a person to be in this position, because God is giving His grace to those who are humble or lowly ( James 4:6 , 1 Peter 5:5 ). We have also learned that a person cannot attain a lowly or humble position through efforts of his own. In the two scriptures where the command to be humbled is presented, the verb form of ταπεινὸς is in the passive voice, giving the meaning that we are to submit to God's humbling process as He brings us low by means of life's trials and hardships. The following New Testament texts establish this condition and relationship with the Lord: 2 Corinthians 7:6; James 1:9-10; Luke 1:52; and Romans 12:16.

2 Corinthians 7:6: The Description of God

But God, the One encouraging the humble (ταπεινὸς), encouraged us in the coming of Titus;

In this text, Paul describes a very difficult time in his life and ministry. He says that, in the midst of this discouraging time, God encouraged him by bringing Titus to him. In this, Paul recognizes and describes God as "the One encouraging the humble." In the same way, the Lord ministers to all those who are humble, bringing encouragement to them.

James 1:9-10 and Luke 1:52: The Exaltation of the Humble


And let the humble (ταπεινὸς) brother boast in his elevation;

and the rich man in his humiliation, because as the flower of the grass he will pass away.

James decrees in verse 9, that the humble brother should boast in his elevation, thereby teaching that a person who is brought low is actually being elevated. This humbled one is in a position where God's grace and encouragement flow. This position of humility embodies the awareness that, without the Lord, a person cannot do one thing (John 15:5) and is the highest spiritual perception one can have.

Conversely, in verse 10, James calls for the rich man to boast in his humiliation. Ταπεὶνωσις, (Strong's #5014), is the word used here for "humiliation." It is a noun form of our study word, ταπεινὸς. The teaching embodied here, to celebrate being humbled, is the opposite of secular society's philosophy promoting worldly success and the celebration of one's material triumphs.

Luke 1:52:

He put down the mighty from thrones, and exalted humble (ταπεινὸς) ones.

Praising the Lord for the way He deals with mankind, Mary says, in this verse, that the Lord brings down the mighty and exalts the humble. She sees herself as a humble or lowly one chosen by God as the vessel through which the Messiah would come into the world.

Romans 12:16: Association with the Humble

Be thinking the same thing toward one another; not thinking high things, but going along with the humble. Do not become wise from yourselves.

At the end of his letter to the Romans, Paul commands, "Do not become wise from yourselves." He teaches that believers should be "thinking" the same thing toward one another, not "thinking" high things. The Greek word for "thinking" is the participial form of φρονὲω (Strong's #5426), which means "frame of mind" or "attitude." Paul instructs them to "go along with the humble." Therefore, each believer's frame of mind or attitude should be constantly on the lowly things of life, not on the lofty or prideful things. Paul is not presenting a command to think in this way, but rather is instructing the believer to live life in this way. He says that Christians are to choose the low or humble way, associating with people who are lowly in attitude and approach to this earthly life. This wisdom from God is, of course, the opposite of the world's wisdom.

In conclusion, we see from the many scriptures on the subject of humbleness, that it is necessary to submit to God's humbling process, because only the lowly and humble are in a position to receive God's ministry of grace and encouragement. The Word of God also teaches that the believer is to associate with lowly or humble things— to choose the humble way and associate with humble people. We understand, from these same scriptures, that God did not use the mighty, but chose, instead, to use the humble. This wisdom of God stands in opposition to the world's philosophy concerning life. Those who follow worldly wisdom, thinking high and lofty things, will eventually pass away, as does the flower of the grass. But those who are brought low, through submission to the humbling process, are actually being elevated spiritually by the Lord. It takes great wisdom to understand this principle from God's Word, to submit to His humbling process instead of striving for high and lofty positions. It is, however, only by choosing this path, that we become useable vessels for His glory. May the Lord help us all.

* TAPEINOS is the English font spelling of the Greek word ταπεινὸς.

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'Greek Thoughts' Copyright 2024© Bill Klein. 'Greek Thoughts' articles may be reproduced in whole under the following provisions: 1) A proper credit must be given to the author at the end of each article, along with a link to https://www.studylight.org/language-studies/greek-thoughts.html  2) 'Greek Thoughts' content may not be arranged or "mirrored" as a competitive online service.

Meet the Author

Bill Klein has been a pastor, counselor, and educator for the past 41 years. He has had extensive training and education in biblical languages, and has authored a Biblical Greek course.

He is currently serving as Professor of Biblical Greek at Master's Graduate School of Divinity, and president of BTE Ministries - The Bible Translation and Exegesis Institute of America, a non-profit organization located in California that provides Bible study tapes and Greek study materials through their website BTEMinistries.org.

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