Lectionary Calendar
Friday, May 31st, 2024
the Week of Proper 3 / Ordinary 8
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Bible Commentaries

Barnes' Notes on the Whole BibleBarnes' Notes

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Psalms 59 overview — The general title to this psalm is the same as in the two preceding psalms. That it was written by David, as is affirmed in the title, there is every reason to believe. The “occasion” on which it is said to have been composed was “when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him.” This incident is related in 1 Samuel 19:11 : “Saul also sent messengers unto David’s house to watch him, and to slay him
Jonah 1:9 — was known to foreigners. It is used in the Old Testament, only when they are spoken of by foreigners, or speak of themselves to foreigners, or when the sacred writers mention them in contrast with foreigners. So Joseph spoke of his land Genesis 40:15, and the Hebrew midwives Exodus 1:19, and Moses‘ sister Exodus 2:7, and God in His commission to Moses Exodus 3:18; Exodus 7:16; Exodus 9:1 as to Pharaoh, and Moses in fulfilling it Exodus 5:3. They had the name, as having passed
Haggai 2:5 — “Remember,” “take to heart.” But the prophet points to it the more energetically, because he casts it, as it were, into the midst, not bound up with any one verb. This would be the rather done in speaking to the people, as David to his followers (1 Samuel 30:23, which Ewald compares, Lehrb. n. 329. a. p. 811, ed. 8. and in his Die Proph. iii. 183. Only he, not very intelligibly, makes it a sort of oath, By the word, By that which the Lord hath given us. But he suggests the like broken sentence
Matthew 5:33 — Thou shalt not forswear thyself - Christ here proceeds to correct another false interpretation of the law. The law respecting oaths is found in Leviticus 19:12, and Deuteronomy 23:23. By those laws people were forbid to perjure themselves, or to forswear, that is, swear falsely.Perform unto the Lord - Perform literally, really, and religiously what is promised in an oath.Thine oaths - An oath is a solemn
John 5:24 — “hear,” in this place, evidently denotes not the outward act of hearing, but to receive in a proper manner; to suffer it to make its proper impression on the mind; to obey. The word “hear” is often used in this sense, Matthew 11:15; John 8:47; Acts 3:23. Many persons outwardly hear the gospel who neither understand nor obey it.My word - My doctrine, my teaching. All that Jesus taught about Himself, as well as about the Father.On him that sent me - On the Father, who, in
John 5:37 — The Father himself … hath borne witness of me - This God had done,1.By the miracles which Jesus had performed, and of which he was conversing. 2.At the baptism of Jesus, where he said, “This is my beloved Son,” Matthew 3:17. 3.In the prophecies of the
Acts 10:34 — evidence here that God is no respecter of persons.Is no respecter of persons - The word used here denotes “the act of showing favor to one on account of rank, family, wealth, or partiality arising from any cause.” It is explained in James 2:1-4. A judge is a respecter of persons when he favors one of the parties on account of private friendship, or because he is a man of rank, influence, or power, or because he belongs to the same political party, etc. The Jews supposed that they were especially
Acts 18:17 — Then all the Greeks - The Greeks who had witnessed the persecution of Paul by the Jews, and who had seen the tumult which they had excited.Took Sosthenes … - As he was the chief ruler of the synagogue, he had probably been a leader in the opposition to Paul, and in the prosecution. Indignant at the Jews; at their bringing such questions before the tribunal; at their bigotry, and rage, and contentious
Acts 7:30 — And when forty years … - At the age of 80 years. This, however, was known by tradition. It is not expressly mentioned by Moses. It is said, however, to have been after the king of Egypt had died Exodus 2:23; and the tradition is not improbable.In the wilderness of mount
Acts 7:59 — stoned Stephen, invoking, or calling upon, and saying, Lord Jesus,” etc. That is, he was engaged “in prayer” to the Lord Jesus. The word is used to express “prayer” in the following, among other places: 2 Corinthians 1:23, “I call God to witness”; 1 Peter 1:17, “And if ye call on the Father,” etc.; Acts 2:21, “whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord,” etc.; Acts 9:14; Acts 22:16; Romans 10:12-14. This was, therefore,
Acts 8:22 — Repent, therefore - Here we may remark:(1)That Simon was at this time an unconverted sinner. (2)that the command was given to him “as such.” (3)that he was required to “do the thing”; not to wait or seek merely, but actually to repent. (4)that this was to be the “first
Romans 11:29 — For the gifts - The favors or benefits which God bestows on men. The word χάρισμα charisma properly denotes any benefit which is conferred on another as a mere matter of favor, and not of reward; see Romans 5:15-16; Romans 6:23. Such are all the favors which God bestows on sinners including pardon, peace,
Romans 11:29 — For the gifts - The favors or benefits which God bestows on men. The word χάρισμα charismaproperly denotes any benefit which is conferred on another as a mere matter of favor, and not of reward; see Romans 5:15-16; Romans 6:23. Such are all the favors which God bestows on sinners including pardon, peace,
Romans 5:6 — For when … - This opens a new view of the subject, or it is a new argument to show that our hope will not make ashamed, or will not disappoint us. The first argument he had stated in the previous verse, that the Holy Spirit was given to us. The next, which
Romans 8:38 — For I am persuaded - I have a strong and unwavering confidence. Latin Vulgate, “I am certain.” The expression here implies unwavering certainty.Neither death - Neither the fear of death, nor all the pains and tortures of the dying scene, even in the most painful trials of persecution; death in no form.Nor life - Nor the hope of life; the love
Romans 8:38 — would be implied that the things which he specifies might be supposed to have some power or tendency to do it. But it is not conceivable that good angels, who are “sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” Hebrews 1:14, should seek to alienate the minds of Christians from the Saviour, or that their influence should have any such tendency. It seems to be clear, therefore, that he refers to the designs and temptations of evil spirits. The word “angels”
Ephesians 1:18 — The eyes of your understanding being enlightened - The construction here in the Greek is, probably, “that he may give you (δώη dōē, Ephesians 1:17) the Spirit of wisdom, etc. - eyes of the understanding enlightened,” etc. Or the phrase, “the eyes of your understanding being enlightened,” may be in the accusative absolute, which Koppe and Bloomfield
Hebrews 3 overview — respects the Christian religion had lost nothing, but had the advantage altogether - that it was founded by one superior to Moses, and that Christ as high priest was superior by far to the high priest of the Jews.This chapter Hebrews 3:0, and to Hebrews 4:13, relates to the first of these points, and is occupied with showing the superiority of the Redeemer to Moses, and the consequences which result from the admission of that fact. It consists, therefore, of two parts.I. The first is employed in showing
Hebrews 9:17 — For a testament - Such an arrangement as God enters into with man; see the remarks on Hebrews 9:16.Is of force - Is ratified, or confirmed - in the same way as a deed or compact is confirmed by affixing a seal.After men are dead - ἐπὶ νεκροῖς epi nekrois. “Over the dead.”
1 Peter 5:2 — Feed the flock of God - Discharge the duties of a shepherd toward the flock. On the word “feed,” see the notes at John 21:15. It is a word which Peter would be likely to remember, from the solemn manner in which the injunction to perform the duty was laid on him by the Saviour. The direction means to take such an oversight of the church as a shepherd
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