Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Kings 7

Dummelow's Commentary on the BibleDummelow on the Bible

Verses 1-20

The Relief of Samaria

1. A measure] Heb. a seah, equal to 6 cabs, and rather less than 3 gallons. In the gate of Samaria] The open space at the gate of an Eastern city served as a market-place!

2. Windows in heaven] These were the outlets from which the rain came (Genesis 7:11), and the officer asked scornfully whether the famine could be relieved even if rain fell immediately.

3. The gate] Lepers would be required to keep outside the city: cp. Leviticus 13:45, Leviticus 13:46.

5. The uttermost part] RV ’the outermost part’: i.e. the outer limits of the camp on the side nearest to them.

6. The Hittites] see on 1 Kings 10:29, The Assyrians used their name to describe the whole of Palestine, which they called ’the land Khatti.’ The Egyptians] Parts of Egypt were governed by petty kings who were vassals of the Pharaohs. A combination of Hittite and Egyptian forces, coming from the N. and S. respectively, would have entrapped the Syrians between them. But mention is made in the Assyrian inscriptions of a land called Musre adjoining the Hittite country, and it is possible that Mizraim (the Heb. for Egypt) is a mistake for this.

10. The porter] Perhaps used collectively (see 2 Kings 7:11) and hence the plur. pronoun ’them.’

13. They are as, etc.] i.e. they are in danger of starvation like the rest of us, and so have no more to fear, if they are captured by the enemy, than will befall them if they remain in the city: cp. 2 Kings 7:4.

15. Unto Jordan] The Syrians in their retreat from Samaria would naturally make for the fords of the Jordan at Bethshan and Bethbarah.

17. The people trode, etc.] He was knocked down in the rush of famished citizens hastening to the Syrian camp, and trampled to death, thus fulfilling Elisha’s prediction (2 Kings 7:2).

Bibliographical Information
Dummelow, John. "Commentary on 2 Kings 7". "Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/dcb/2-kings-7.html. 1909.
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