Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Proverbs 25

Gaebelein's Annotated BibleGaebelein's Annotated

Verses 1-28



Here begin the proverbs which the good king Hezekiah, under the guidance of the Spirit of God, added to this book. “This title is interesting as affording a proof that a revival of literary activity accompanied the revival of religion and of national prosperity which marked the reign of Hezekiah. The men of Hezekiah were doubtless a body of scribes engaged under the direction of the king in literary labors.”

Very fittingly the opening verses of this collected portion of proverbs relate to the king. While it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, the glory of kings is to search out a matter. God has many things concealed as to Himself, the great universe, creation and His ways in providence; but kings should inquire diligently into the matters brought before them and search them out in their administration of justice. Some day the great King who is coming, the King of Kings, who knows all the secrets of God as well as the hearts of men, will search out all things and bring the hidden things to light. When that day comes the fifth verse will see its accomplishment.

Take away the wicked from before the king--

And His throne shall be established in righteousness.

When He comes to establish His throne of righteousness, to rule as the true Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness and of Peace, the wicked and evildoers will be taken away in judgment. Only then can there be a righteous government.Proverbs 25:6 and Proverbs 25:7 remind us of the parable of the great supper spoken by our Lord in Luke 14:1-35 .Proverbs 25:21; Proverbs 25:21 and Proverbs 25:22 are quoted by the Holy Spirit in the Epistle to the Romans (Romans 12:20 ). And that is followed by another saying as to the conduct of the righteous man. “The north wind driveth away rain; so does an angry countenance, a backbiting tongue.” The backbiter does the work of Satan and the Lord hates the slandering tongue as He hates the flattering tongue. The believer can show an angry countenance, without sinning, and cut short the pernicious work of the backbiter Ephesians 4:26 ).Proverbs 25:28 gives a good definition of true self-control, the rule over one’s own spirit.

Bibliographical Information
Gaebelein, Arno Clemens. "Commentary on Proverbs 25". "Gaebelein's Annotated Bible". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/gab/proverbs-25.html. 1913-1922.
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