Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
Proverbs 2

Morgan's Exposition on the Whole BibleMorgan's Exposition

Verses 1-22

From here and through chapter 8 we have a series of parental counsels. These all begin with the address, "My son," and deal with the value of wisdom, and make many practical applications.

The first of these is one of a couplet which deals with wisdom generally, and it has to do with the method of the search for wisdom (verses Pro 2:1-8 ), and its value (verses Pro 2:9-22 ).

First, as to the method of the search, there must be willingness and desire to know (verses Pro 2:1-2 ). To this must be added diligence. The illuminative phrases are "cry," 'lift up thy voice," "seek," "search." All indicate desire, expressing itself in devotion. The values are the discerning and discreet heart, which enables a man to understand his pathway, and consequent ability to refuse the friendship of false men and women, who would lead into darkness and death; and the resulting choice of a path of good men, with all the benefits resulting therefrom.

Bibliographical Information
Morgan, G. Campbell. "Commentary on Proverbs 2". "Morgan's Exposition on the Bible". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/gcm/proverbs-2.html. 1857-84.
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