Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Malachi 1

Haydock's Catholic Bible CommentaryHaydock's Catholic Commentary

Verse 1

Malachias, "the angel of the Lord." St. Jerome always reads Malachi, "my angel." Septuagint, "his angel;" whence Origen infers, that this was an angel incarnate. (Calmet)

Verse 2

Loved us. So they thought, (Theodoret) and perhaps spoke. (Haydock) --- Jacob. I have preferred his posterity, to make them my chosen people, and to load them with my blessings, without any merit on their part, and though they have been always ungrateful; whilst I have rejected Esau, and executed severe judgments upon his posterity. Not that God punished Esau or his posterity beyond their deserts, but that by his free election and grace he loved Jacob, and favoured his posterity above their deserts. See the annotations upon Romans ix. (Challoner) --- Neither deserved any thing. God’s choice was gratuitous, both with respect to the fathers and their offspring. (Worthington)

Verse 3

Esau, perceiving the evil which was already in him, and would appear afterwards; (St. Jerome and Theodoret) or rather he was a figure of the reprobate, though not of course one himself. (St. Augustine) --- A person is said to hate what he loves less. Esau’s privileges were transferred to his brother, who enjoyed a much finer country, and was chosen for God’s peculiar inheritance. (Calmet) --- Temporal blessings are here specified. --- Dragons. Septuagint, "houses;" so that they shall be deserted. (Haydock) --- Edom was ravaged by Nabuchodonosor. The people retired into the cities, from which the Jews were driven. Yet afterwards they rebuilt their own habitations.

Verse 4

Down, by the Machabees, who forced the people to receive circumcision, 1 Machabees v. 3. (Calmet) --- At that time the Jews were more pious, and glorified God. (Haydock) --- Ever. God’s gratuitous love appears in his leaving Edom in captivity, and restoring the Jews. (Worthington)

Verse 6

Father. God sometimes took this title, Exodus iv. 32. But he was oftener represented as a master; and the old law was a law of fear. (Calmet) --- Servant et mertuunt jus. (Juvenal xiv.)

Verse 7

Bread, including all the victims, &c., Leviticus iii. 11., and Numbers xxviii. 2. (Calmet) --- By vile presents they shew their contempt of God. (Worthington)

Verse 8

Lame. The victims must be without defect, Leviticus xxii. 21. Those of the Jews were also rendered inadmissible by their evil dispositions, Aggeus ii. 14. It is surprising, that after such scourges they should not have been more upon their guard. The negligence of the sacred ministers, is a sure sign of faith being extinct. (Calmet) --- Pagans often thus treated thier idols. (Clement of Alexandria, Strom. vi.) --- Prince: the governor sent by the Persians. If you dare not make such presents to men of eminence, how shall I accept them? (Calmet) --- How dare you offer them to me? (Worthington)

Verse 10

Gratis? Are you not well paid? Why then perform you not your duty exactly? (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "Wherefore also among you shall the doors be shut, and my altar is not enkindled for nought," (Haydock) as if God menaced the Jews with the rejection of the temple, as the sequel does. (Calmet) --- Pleasure. Many other prophets had foretold the reprobation of the synagogue, but none more plainly. The reason is also assigned, viz., the ingratitude and repeated sins of the people, on which account the Gentiles of all countries shall be chosen. (Worthington)

Verse 11

Sacrifice. Protestant, "incense." (Haydock) --- Clean oblation. The precious body and blood of Christ in the eucharistic sacrifice. (Challoner) --- This is denoted by the very word mincha, the offering of flour and wine. (Calmet) See St. Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho; St. Irenæus, Against Heresies iv. 32.; St. Augustine, City of God xviii. 35.) --- "We pollute this bread, that is the body of Christ, when we approach the altar unworthily." (St. Jerome v. 7.) --- This sacrifice is clean. (Council of Trent, session xxii. chap. i.) (Menochius) --- It is offered daily throughout the world. The Jews see the completion of this prediction, and are vexed; they strive to elude its force. Though enemies, they bear about these proofs of our faith, and of their own condemnation. (Calmet) --- God not only changed his people, but instituted a better sacrifice. Instead of the former needy elements, (Galatians iv.) which were often defiled by the sins of the offerers, He instituted the sacrifice of his own Body and Blood, under the appearance of bread and wine, as St. Chrysostom (in Psalm xcv.), Theodoret, &c., prove against all opponents. A sacrifice different from any offered as many have demonstrated. (Worthington) --- Christ’s bloody sacrifice on the cross was performed on Calvary, and not among the Gentiles. What sacrifice can Protestants now produce? (Haydock)

Verse 12

It. The priests complain that ll is burnt, (Grotius) or rather they treat sacred things with contempt. (Calmet) --- They falsely pretend that they give their best, being poor. (Menochius)

Verse 13

Behold of our labour, &c. You pretended labour and weariness, when you brought your offering; and so made it of no value, by offering it with an evil mind. Moreover, what you offered was both defective in itself, and gotten by rapine and extortion. (Challoner) --- These were two defects. (Worthington) --- Hebrew, "what fatigue, or if we change one letter, and read (Calmet) mothlae, (Haydock) it stinks, and you." &c. Some copies of [the] Septuagint, Arabic, &c., "I blew them away," with disgust. --- Rapine. Ecclesiasticus xxxiv. 24. --- Offering. Mincha, ver. 11. (Calmet) --- Such victims and presents as are lame or strange, are rejected. (Pliny, [Natural History?] viii. 45.

Verse 14

Male. So better things are styled mascula thura. (Virgil; Pliny, [Natural History?] xii. 14.) --- It was unlawful to offer a female by vow, but not out of devotion, Leviticus xxii. 18, 23. (Calmet) --- King. So the Persian monarchs were called. --- Dreadful. Greek, "Epiphanes." (Haydock)

Verse 21


Bibliographical Information
Haydock, George Leo. "Commentary on Malachi 1". "Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/hcc/malachi-1.html. 1859.
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