Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 11 / Ordinary 16
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Bible Commentaries
Joshua 24

Kingcomments on the Whole BibleKingcomments

Verse 1


There is a wonderful structure in Joshua’s speech. In Joshua 24:3-1 Chronicles : he presents to the people the great deeds of God. Many times we read there the word ‘I’, which refers to God. With Abraham the election of God comes to the fore. Through Moses and Aaron God shows that He is the Deliverer of the people. When He has brought the people into the land, He is the Conqueror of the enemies. Joshua 24:13 rightly says: “I gave you a land.”

After these words, the people are faced with the choice of who they want to serve. We are also faced with this choice, after all the blessings given to us in Christ have been recited to us. Is it a difficult choice?

All the people have said that they will serve the LORD, but very soon it appears what their words are worth. The book of Judges provides the proof. What remains then? A personal choice! Can we repeat Joshua with all our heart: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15)?

Joshua Gathers All the Tribes to Shechem

After Joshua addressed the elders in the previous chapter, he wants to address the whole people. The whole people are close to his heart. He addresses them in Shechem. This is to consider a sanctuary, for there the LORD appeared to Abraham, and there Abraham built an altar for the LORD (Genesis 12:6-Judges :). There Jacob also built an altar (Genesis 33:18-Proverbs :) and there he buried all his idols (Genesis 35:4).

History makes clear what the value of Shechem is. It is the right place for Joshua to present the history of God’s people once again to the people. He does this by reminding the people of some great events. These events have a spiritual meaning and can be compared to Paul’s service.

Paul speaks in his farewell speech about the four parts of his service:
1. “Solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21); this concerns the forgiveness of sins for unbelievers when they repent toward God and believe in the Lord Jesus.
2. “To testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24); this goes further than the call to repentance and is explained in the letter to the Romans.
3. The preaching of “the kingdom” (Acts 20:25); this is not the kingdom of peace, but that the rejected Christ is now in heaven and reigns as Lord over all who confess Him, whose power becomes visible in the life of the Christian.
4. The declaration of “the whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27); this is not what we find in the letter to the Romans, but in the letter to the Colossians and especially in the letter to the Ephesians, which deals with the counsels of eternity regarding the church.
These four parts are also found in Joshua’s speech.

Verses 2-4

Previous History

In the history of Abraham we find the truth of repentance and faith. He is called out of idolatry (1 Thessalonians 1:9). With him we see faith in the midst of all unbelief. By referring to Abraham’s idolatry Joshua points out that the idols are not only found around them, but that it is in their nature, in their hearts. We are also no better than the people around us. We used to belong to that company as well (Ephesians 2:3; Titus 3:3).

That God takes Abraham shows His election. Abraham is no better than his surroundings. God grants Isaac as the son in whom He will fulfil His promises. He gives Jacob and Esau to Isaac. He gives Esau the Mountain Seir as an inheritance, so that the land of Canaan will be entirely for the descendants of Jacob.

Verses 5-8

What God Has Done for His People

In the liberation of the people from Egypt we find the truth of redemption. This truth is found in the letter to the Romans, in which the gospel and righteousness are explained. Spiritually speaking, we are led to the plains of Moab. The wilderness journey is behind us. God has shown His faithfulness throughout the journey through the wilderness. We are now able to attack enemies and capture land.

Verses 9-10

Delivered From the Power of Balaam

In these verses we find the third aspect of Joshua’s service in comparison to Paul’s. Once in the plains of Moab we hear in the blessing of Balaam about the kingship of the LORD and about the people of this King, who reigns supreme over a king like Balak (Numbers 23:21; Numbers 24:7Numbers 24:17). In the midst of God’s people, the power of God’s King, Who for us is our Lord, becomes visible. We rejoice because we go forward in the power of that King and take possession of things He has given us.

Verses 11-13

God Cleansed the Land for His People

Here we have the fourth and last aspect of the comparison between the service of Joshua and the service of Paul. The land is captured, the enemy is driven out. That is what the LORD does for his people. All they may enjoy is a gift of His grace (Ephesians 2:8).

Verses 14-15

Call to Serve the LORD

All given blessings require a response. We also see this in the letters. After the blessings follows the exhortation to walk in accordance with them (Romans 12:1; Ephesians 4:1). If no choice is made for the LORD, it does not matter which idol they will serve. Again and again they are asked to make a choice (1 Kings 18:21; Ruth 1:16; Matthew 6:24). For Joshua the choice is clear. He is an old man, but still as militant as ever, here especially for his house.

If all the people will not participate in the faithful serving of the LORD, then it is certain for him that he and his house will serve the LORD. It applies to himself and to his children. The salvation is ‘for those who believe and for their house. That gospel hears the jailor from Paul’s mouth: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household” (Acts 16:31). Serving that follows salvation is also for ‘me and my home’. The ‘household of Stephanas’ is a good example of this (1 Corinthians 16:15). Let us follow the example of Joshua and Stephanas.

All blessings are not only for ourselves, but also for our children. Is it our wish that our children will enjoy the blessings we enjoy? Then we will take them to all kinds of meetings, so that they will learn to enjoy the blessings and not leave them at home while we visit those occasions ourselves.

Verses 16-18

We Will Serve the LORD

Because the people still have the consciousness of the power of God Who blessed them, it declares that they want to serve the LORD alone. The reaction of the people sounds good, but Joshua cannot be deceived. He knows what is in their hearts. Therefore he seriously suggests to them that there is no strength in themselves. The people say they will serve the LORD, but it is like as at Sinai.

Have they removed the gods, as has been said several times in this chapter that they will do? Later it turns out that they did not do that. We cannot serve God in our own power. We should not promise anything, but beg God to help us serve Him. Nobody can say that everything is in order in his life.

Verses 19-24

Joshua Warns and the People Promise

Joshua does not mean to say that God is not a God of forgiveness. He wants to make it clear that God cannot be served with a halfhearted heart and that leaving Him to serve other gods is a serious sin. Such a sin shall end in disaster.

Joshua addresses the people four times to their responsibility. Each time the people answers that they will serve the LORD. Joshua asks them to prove their sincerity by putting away the strange gods.

Verses 25-27

Joshua Makes a Covenant

Joshua takes the promise of the people seriously. He writes “in the book of the law of God” what has been said. Then he sets up a stone as a testimony to the promises of the people. When Joshua has passed away, the stone remains as a lasting reminder that God has heard everything.

Joshua writes in the book and sets up the stone as a testimony “by the sanctuary of the LORD”. This expression seems to indicate that Joshua brought the ark of the covenant from Shiloh to Shechem for this occasion.

Verse 28

Joshua Sends the People Away

Joshua lets the people go. His service is coming to an end. With his last words in their ears they return to their inheritance. How long will his farewell speech resonate in their hearts and have its beneficial effect on the practice of their lives as people of God? The book of Judges gives the answer.

Verses 29-30

Death and Burial of Joshua

The book ends with three burials. The first is that of Joshua. After a walk of faith in the wilderness and a struggle of faith in the land he dies in faith in a better resurrection. He is called here for the first and also only time “the servant of the LORD”. With this, the Master puts in a simple way a significant mark of approval on his life. Can the Lord also say of us at the end of our lives: “Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master” (Matthew 25:21)?

His grave is in his inheritance, in the hill country of Ephraim (Joshua 19:50). The Ephraimites took possession of this by order of Joshua (Joshua 17:14-Job :).

Verse 31

Israel Serves the LORD

As long as the people have good examples, they serve the LORD (cf. 2 Chronicles 24:2). We may well ask ourselves: do we live from a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus or do we merely follow the faith of others who teach us? When the witnesses of the power of the LORD and its influence on the people are gone, a new generation rises that is open to the influences of the peoples around them. The following book, Judges, shows this.

Verse 32

Joseph’s Bones Buried

The second burial is that of Joseph. The burial of Joseph’s bones makes it clear that the book does not really end with death, because it shows the hope of the resurrection. With this in mind Joseph wanted his bones to be buried in the land (Hebrews 11:22).

Verse 33

Death and Burial of Eleazar

The third burial is that of Eleazar. The death and burial of Eleazar indicate that the service of this faithful high priest in connection with taking possession of the land is also coming to an end. In the next book a new time begins in which the people have no eye for this service.

When Christ, of whom Eleazar is a type, is forgotten, decay enters. Fortunately, then, God’s sources have not dried up. In the judges He raises from time to time, He enables His people to enjoy His land again and again.

Bibliographical Information
de Koning, Ger. Commentaar op Joshua 24". "Kingcomments on the Whole Bible". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/kng/joshua-24.html. 'Stichting Titus' / 'Stichting Uitgeverij Daniël', Zwolle, Nederland. 2021.
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