Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
John 9

Old & New Testament Restoration CommentaryRestoration Commentary

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Verse 1

Joh 9:1

John 9:1

And as he passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth.—One born blind would be supposed to be more difficult to heal than one who had gone blind after he was some years of age. He left the temple, where the Jews sought to stone him, and saw a man blind from birth. The presence of the afflicted and suffering seems at all times to have excited the interest and sympathy of Jesus. He was touched with a sense of our infirmities and sympathized with human suffering. So he showed that he was willing to help this blind man.

Verses 1-12

Joh 9:1-12

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - John 9:1-12

Open It

1. What goes through your mind when you see a disabled person?

2. *In what way would being blind change your life?

Explore It

3. How long had the man Jesus saw been blind? (John 9:1)

4. *What question did Jesus’ disciples ask Him about the blind man’s condition? (John 9:2)

5. *Why had this man been born blind? (John 9:3)

6. What did Jesus say that they should be doing as long as it is day? (John 9:4)

7. What did Jesus claim to be? (John 9:5)

8. What did Jesus put on the blind man’s eyes? (John 9:6)

9. What happened to the blind man? (John 9:7)

10. How did the blind man’s neighbors respond to his new condition? (John 9:9)

11. What question did the blind man’s neighbors ask him? (John 9:10)

12. *How did the blind man answer his neighbors’ question? (John 9:11)

13. What did the man’s neighbors want to know? (John 9:12)

Get It

14. How do our sins affect us physically or emotionally?

15. How do our sins affect others?

16. With what condition were you born so that God might be glorified?

17. Through what disability or weakness can you glorify God?

18. What work has God given you to do while you still have time?

19. *In what way has God healed you?

20. *In what ways are we spiritually blind?

21. From what "blindness" has God healed you?

22. How did your family and friends respond when you put your faith in Christ?

Apply It

23. *Through what shortcoming in your life will you ask God to glorify Himself today?

24. For what healing in your life will you praise God today?

Verse 2

Joh 9:2

John 9:2

And his disciples asked him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?—The Jews cherished the idea that since affliction came as the result of sin, every afflicted one, or his parents, had been guilty of sin. The idea seems to have prevailed among the Jews that all bodily afflictions came as the result of the sins of the person afflicted or of his parents. Often men were miracu­lously smitten with affliction on account of sins. Uzziah was smitten with leprosy for assuming priestly functions. Zacharias was made dumb because he doubted the angel. Sins were visited upon the children to the third and fourth genera­tions. The Jews concluded that affliction is the result of the sin of the person afflicted or of his parents. The Jews had clear ideas of punishment for sin only in this world. In a very general sense all affliction—all suffering—came as the result of sin. Without sin no suffering would have been known on earth. Yet sin once introduced, and mortality in­flicted, discord prevailing, disease and affliction have come upon man through his surroundings without moral guilt or sin upon his part. The disciples shared the common belief of the Jews on this subject and asked Jesus whether this blind­ness was for his own sin or that of the sins of his parents. The Jews said to the blind man (John 8:34): “Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us?” This may mean that they thought he was blind because of the sins of his parents so he was altogether born in sin.

Verse 3

Joh 9:3

John 9:3

Jesus answered, Neither did this man sin, nor his parents:—A little thought would have convinced them that he could not have been born blind for any sin he had committed. If such an affliction was the result of sin, it must have been the sin of his parents or his ancestors. All affliction comes as the result of sin. But there is such a long line of ancestors before us all guilty of sin, and the lines of transmission may have become so complicated that infirmity and affliction may come upon us as the result of sins of others than our imme­diate parents transmitted through the law of transmission from parent to child. The meaning is that neither he nor his parents have sinned that brought this blindness upon him. Jesus knew that when discord had been introduced into the world, and mortality had come upon man, that as a result of weakness in the parents the child might be born blind with­out sin on the part of parents or child. So he says neither has sinned to bring this blindness.

but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.—So this person had not been born blind for either his or for the sins of his parents, but the result would be to manifest the power and glory of God by Jesus healing him. He said he was blind to this end or purpose. We do not understand that he was afflicted just to afford an opportunity of Jesus healing him. Such for examples are given. There is a similar ex­pression. Speaking of the death of Lazarus Jesus said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified thereby.” (John 11:4). I do not understand that God directed that this man should be born blind to afford Jesus an opportunity to heal him, nor that Lazarus sickened and died only to give Jesus an opportunity to restore him to life, and so show his power; but in the providence of God these things had happened to these men through the workings of God’s laws. The weaknesses and infirmities of the parents, or the surroundings of the persons, had been such as resulted in blindness to the child. He hav­ing been born blind, Jesus used the opportunity presented to open his eyes to show forth the glory of God—his power and kindness—and the power of God made known to the world. This was not a denial of the truth that all suffering and disorder came as the result of sin and violation of the divine law. But this blindness was not the direct result of sins in the parents or the child.

Verse 4

Joh 9:4

John 9:4

We must work the works of him that sent me—Jesus declares that he must improve the opportu­nities of doing the work the Father sent him to do while he lived. God had sent Jesus that in him the works of God should be manifested. Miracles are intended to declare that God is with the man who works the miracle. He works the miracle that declares God is with and speaks through him, then men believe the message is from God. The miracle as­sures the world the message delivered is a message from God. The miracle is the attestation that the message the man speaks is from God. (John 4:34; John 5:19; John 5:26).

While it is day—while life is granted, for death would come when he would cease to work. (John 11:9; John 12:35; John 17:4). Jesus must be doing the work of God while life lasted.

the night cometh, when no man can work,—He indus­triously, yet with no haste, did the work God sent him to do, conscious that his death would soon come when he would cease his work on earth, or the night of death would come when no man worketh.

Verse 5

Joh 9:5

John 9:5

When I am in the world, I am the light of the world—His teaching by precept and example would enlighten the world while he was in it. He came as the light of the world. Jesus is the only light of the world to chase away the gloom and darkness of eternal night and lift up and enlighten the world. This has proved true in the history of the world. There has been no light of science, of religion, of morality save where the will of God is made known through Christ. The fundamental principle of all science is: there is one great first cause and overruling power that directs everything in accordance with fixed and unchangeable laws. Without these as a starting point there can be no science. But this truth has never prevailed save where the Bible is known. Jesus Christ is the great central truth of the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments. Without him both are meaningless. Jesus brought the light of divine wisdom to the world. His teaching consisted in both precept and example. The life of Jesus was his precepts put into practice. This much he said preparatory to opening the eyes of the blind that they might appreciate the lesson taught in the miracle. Jesus is called the Son of righteousness. As the sun gives light to the material world so Jesus gives light to the moral and spiritual world. His business was to dispense light while he lived.

Verse 6

Joh 9:6

John 9:6

When he had thus spoken,—What he spoke was explana­tory of what he proceeded to do. He had so explained that they could see the miracle was evidence that God was work­ing through him. Jesus desired no honor to himself. He desired them to understand the work was of God.

he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and anointed his eyes with the clay,—He spat on the ground, mixed dirt with the spittle, so as to make a paste, or clay, and anointed the eyes of the blind man with it. Jesus used means to accomplish this that had no virtue in them to open the blind eyes. This kind of means was used to show that the power and virtue came from God, and not from the means used. [The smaller and more insignificant the means used, the greater was the display of the power of God. Why use means at all when he could speak the word and it would be done? To show that God works through means and will bestow his favors when the means he orders are used or the conditions complied with. Those conditions are often tests of faith. There is nothing in them that reason would show fitted to produce the results, so must be accepted and used in faith. The use of them showed faith in God. The result showed the presence of God.]

Verse 7

Joh 9:7

John 9:7

and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpretation, Sent). He went away therefore, and washed, and came seeing.—The man was restored to sight. There was no healing power in the spittle, in the clay, in the water, nor in the application of the clay or the water. The healing was done by Jesus. In him was the power and virtue to heal. The reception of the clay, the going to the place, and washing were acts of the man, showing his willingness to obey Jesus, and in the obedience Jesus healed him of his blindness.

Verse 8

Joh 9:8

John 9:8

The neighbors therefore, and they that saw him afore­time, that he was a beggar, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?—The man was well known, as he had all his life, now forty years old, sat in a public place and begged. The multitude saw him now a healed man, and it created wonder and talk among them. [The change in this man was so great that they could hardly believe their own eyes.]

Verse 9

Joh 9:9

John 9:9

Others said, It is he: others said, No, but he is like him. He said, I am he.—Some men are never certain of anything. They are vacillating in their minds and deficient in will power and are never positive as to anything; others reach positive and definite conclusions and can be relied on to be true to them. The healed man seems to have been of this character. Those who knew him best said, “It is he.” Those not know­ing him so well, or not willing to appear or to be too bold, said, “He is like him.” But the blind man said, “I am he.” I am the same person who was born blind and sat and begged.

Verse 10

Joh 9:10

John 9:10

They said therefore unto him, How then were thine eyes opened?—This was the one question of interest to all. All those persons who knew him and had seen him, satisfied now that he was the same man born blind that had begged amongst them, asked, “How then were thine eyes opened?” It was a wonderful and an unheard-of thing that one should open the eyes of the blind. The demons could exercise some miraculous powers. (John 10:21). When the question as to who Jesus was, and by what power he could work such a miracle, was asked, “Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?” The devil could do miracles of hurt and destruction to man, but not healing and blessedness.

Verse 11

Joh 9:11

John 9:11

He answered, The man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to Siloam, and wash: so I went away and washed, and I received sight.—He seems not to have known much about Jesus, but tells plainly what was done and the effect. This implied that Jesus possessed miraculous power. [Note the growth in this man’s apprehension of Jesus; here he is “the man"—in John 9:17 “a prophet,” in John 9:33 “from God.” Thus he gropes toward the final truth.]

Verse 12

Joh 9:12

John 9:12

And they said unto him, Where is he? He saith, I know not.—During the excitement produced by finding that the blind man could see Jesus had quietly withdrawn, the blind man knew not whither. [This question probably was asked out of curiosity. Those asking the question were the neigh­bors of the man born blind.]

Verse 13

Joh 9:13

John 9:13

They bring to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind.—The Pharisees were the most active of the sects of Judaism. They were the most learned and pretentious, and so the blind man was brought by the executive command to them for further explanation of the occurrence.

Verses 13-34

Joh 9:13-34

The Pharisees Investigate the Healing - John 9:13-34

Open It

1. *Who do you know who has challenged "the establishment" or "the system"?

2. About what do you tend to get complacent?

Explore It

3. To whom was the blind man taken? (John 9:13)

4. On what day did Jesus heal the blind man? (John 9:14)

5. What did the Pharisees ask the blind man? (John 9:15)

6. Over what were the Pharisees divided? (John 9:16)

7. Who did the blind man think Jesus was? (John 9:17)

8. Why did the Pharisees send for the blind man’s parents? (John 9:18)

9. *How did the blind man’s parents answer the Pharisees’ questions? (John 9:19-21)

10. What did the blind man’s parents fear? (John 9:22-23)

11. What did the Pharisees ask the blind man to do? (John 9:24)

12. *How did the blind man respond to the Pharisees? (John 9:25)

13. What question did the blind man ask the Pharisees? (John 9:27)

14. Whose disciples did the Pharisees claim to be? (John 9:28)

15. What did the blind man say was remarkable? (John 9:29-30)

16. What did the blind man say nobody had ever done? (John 9:31-32)

17. *What convinced the blind man that Jesus was from God? (John 9:33)

18. What did the Pharisees do to the man who was born blind? (John 9:34)

Get It

19. What divides Christian leaders today?

20. How would you react to a miraculous healing?

21. Why do you believe Jesus is from God?

22. When have your parents disappointed you?

23. How do you respond when your authority is challenged?

24. *What authority have you ever challenged?

25. How do people respond when the status quo is disturbed?

26. *In what way has Jesus upset the status quo in your life?

27. When have you allowed fear to control your behavior?

28. In what way are Christians today complacent?

29. In what way has Jesus opened your once-blind eyes?

Apply It

30. What area of your life about which you have become complacent do you need to allow Jesus to revitalize? How?

31. What program in your church about which people have become complacent can you help revitalize?

32. *How would you challenge someone this week who disputed the authority of God?

Verse 14

Joh 9:14

John 9:14

Now it was the sabbath on the day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes.—The Sabbath day was to be kept holy under the law of Moses. The keeping of this holy was the test of loyalty to God under the Mosaic law. Jesus had healed this man on this day, and they concluded that God would not be with a man that would heal on the Sabbath.

Verse 15

Joh 9:15

John 9:15

Again therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he received his sight. And he said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and I see.—Not satisfied, they again question the man. He quietly, but with positiveness, gave the conditions of the healing.

Verse 16

Joh 9:16

John 9:16

Some therefore of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God, because he keepeth not the sabbath.—Some thought it a violation of the Sabbath law to heal a man on the Sabbath and that a good man could not violate that law.

But others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such signs? And there was a division among them.—The fact of the healing stared them in the face, and could a sinner heal the blind? The Sabbath law was strict among the Jews. Jesus from the beginning of his ministry began to rebuke the se­verity of the requirements of this law. In the New Testament there is not an expression imposing the Sabbath law.

Verse 17

Joh 9:17

John 9:17

They say therefore unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, in that he opened thine eyes?—In the dispute they again appeal to the man who was healed to know what he thought of Jesus who had healed him.

And he said, He is a prophet.—His response was prompt; he is inspired of God a prophet, a divine teacher.

Verse 18

Joh 9:18

John 9:18

The Jews therefore did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind, and had received his sight, until they called the parents of him that had received his sight,—Some in their doubt as to the man appealed to his parents. [They now begin scheming to get around Jesus working the miracle. They insisted that the man was not born blind. They un­dertook to prove it by his parents.]

Verse 19

Joh 9:19

John 9:19

and asked them, saying, Is this your son, who ye say was born blind? how then doth he now see?—They ques­tioned them as to the identity of the man as their son and of his having been born blind.

Verse 20

Joh 9:20

John 9:20

His parents answered and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind:—[“We know” these two facts to be true. They were very positive in this.]

Verse 21

Joh 9:21

John 9:21

but how he now seeth, we know not; or who opened his eyes, we know not: ask him; he is of age; he shall speak for himself.—But as to or by whom he was made to see, his par­ents had only his word and they referred all parties to him. [He is of age and competent to testify in the case.]

Verse 22

Joh 9:22

John 9:22

These things said his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man should confess him to be Christ, he should be put out of the syna­gogue.—While what the parents said was strictly true, they did not care to incur the persecution of the Pharisees. They clearly believed the statement of their son, but spoke evasively to avoid trouble.

Verse 23

Joh 9:23

John 9:23

Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him.—[The parents did not wish to be excommunicated from the privi­leges of the synagogue, so they were noncommittal concern­ing how their son received his sight. The decision of these rulers that if any confessed Jesus as the Christ they should be put out of the synagogue shows that the people were con­sidering the question and that it was rapidly developing in their minds. They, therefore, hoped to nip the sentiment in the bud by their decree.]

Verse 24

Joh 9:24

John 9:24

So they called a second time the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give glory to God: we know that this man is a sinner.—They were unable to explain the facts, and in the face of the probable miracle, to use wisdom on the man that was healed, they say this man that did the healing was a sinner be­cause he had healed on the Sabbath. [Having failed to get any satisfaction from the parents they again call the son for a conference. This time they try to force an acknowledgment from him that there was some deception or mistake about Jesus restoring his sight. Their evidence of deception was “we know that this man is a sinner.” Their proof that he was a sinner was he healed on the Sabbath day.]

Verse 25

Joh 9:25

John 9:25

He therefore answered, Whether he is a sinner, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.—The man refused to enter into the casuistry or the ethics of the. case, but stood to the stern facts that I was blind and now I see. [He refused to be drawn into a dispute over the matter or to participate in their deceptive scheme. He was firm and held fast to the truth.]

Verse 26

Joh 9:26

John 9:26

They said therefore unto him, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes?—To entangle him and justify themselves, they again ask him to recount what was done to heal him. [Hoping to find something with which to strengthen their scheme of deception, they now begin to cross-examine the man.]

Verse 27

Joh 9:27

John 9:27

He answered them, I told you even now, and ye did not hear; wherefore would ye hear it again? would ye also become his disciples?—The blind man pressed the conclusion: would you recognize him as a prophet and become his disci­ples. He knew when men are determined to disbelieve the truth repeating the evidence will not convince, but rather infuriate them. [His “also” implies that he was inclined to be a disciple.]

Verse 28

Joh 9:28

John 9:28

And they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are disciples of Moses.—They claimed to be disciples of Moses, while the man whose eyes were opened owned himself ready to accept the man who had opened his eyes as a prophet of God.

Verse 29

Joh 9:29

John 9:29

We know that God hath spoken unto Moses: but as for this man, we know not whence he is.—They believed Moses was sent from God, but the origin of this man they did not know. [They felt that they were on safe ground in clinging to Moses, but refused to be disciples of “this man” on the ground that “we know not whence he is.”]

Verse 30

Joh 9:30

John 9:30

The man answered and said unto them, Why, herein is the marvel, that ye know not whence he is, and yet he opened mine eyes.—How singular that a man able to open the eyes of the blind in the name of God should be unknown to the defenders of the faith of God! [He declares it a "marvelous thing" that these Jewish defenders of the scriptures did not know after this wonderful miracle that the one performing it was from God. He had a better knowledge of the scriptures than they.]

Verse 31

Joh 9:31

John 9:31

We know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and do his will, him he heareth.—It was a well-known truth among all the disciples of Moses and the servants of God that God heareth not those who rebel against him, and that he only enabled those who obey him to work miracles in his name. How then could this man who opened his eyes be a sinner? [Nicodemus said, “No one can do these signs that thou doest, except God be with him.” (John 3:2). Both he and the healed man affirm that God only heard true worshipers and those who did his will.]

Verse 32

Joh 9:32

John 9:32

Since the world began it was never heard that any one opened the eyes of a man born blind.—Such a case had never been known. [Certain kinds of blindness have been and may be cured, but this unheard-of cure—one born blind—he in­sisted could be attributed only to the power of God.]

Verse 33

Joh 9:33

John 9:33

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.—No man could do this work except God was with him.

Verse 34

Joh 9:34

John 9:34

They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us?—Chagrined and pro­voked that this man withstood them, they taunt him with the idea that he was born blind in consequence of his own or his parents’ sins and now you presume to teach us regard­ing the teachers of God.

And they cast him out.—They ordered him out of the syna­gogue. [It may mean that they cast him out not only from their presence, but also from their sympathy and intercourse with them and their people. Note, that the avowed enemies of Jesus investigate a miracle of Jesus in repeated hearings and that they could find no flaw. Also observe that the peo­ple refer the case to a great religious order composed of enemies of Christ; that members of this order first examine the facts; then the case is referred to a higher tribunal, the official representatives of the nation, who cross-examine the parents, as well as the subject of the miracle. This judicial investigation shows by the testimony of both that the man was born blind, that he now saw, and his own testimony was given that he was healed by Jesus. The attempt to disprove the miracle was an utter failure and the court sought to discredit it by excommunicating the chief witness.]

Verse 35

Joh 9:35

John 9:35

Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and finding him, he said, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?—Jesus was not unmindful of one so true to him, after he was driven out of the synagogue, sought him, and gave him further instruc­tion and help. He wished to lead him up to believe that he (Jesus) was the Son of God. [The poor man, through faith­fulness to the truth, lost the world, but Jesus is ready to give him heaven.]

Verses 35-41

Joh 9:35-41

Spiritual Blindness - John 9:35-41

Open It

1. What is one cause or person for which you would risk being disowned by your family and all your friends?

2. *What person outside your family has had the biggest impact on your life?

Explore It

3. What had Jesus heard? (John 9:35)

4. *What did Jesus ask the man who had been blind? (John 9:35)

5. Why did the blind man ask Jesus to identify the Son of Man? (John 9:36)

6. *Who did Jesus claim to be? (John 9:37)

7. *What did the blind man do when Jesus told him who He was? (John 9:38)

8. According to Jesus, why had He come into the world? (John 9:39)

9. What people expressed shock at what Jesus said? (John 9:40)

10. What did the Pharisees ask Jesus? (John 9:40)

11. What did Jesus mean by saying "but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains"? (John 9:41)

12. Why did Jesus say that the Pharisees’ guilt would remain? (John 9:41)

Get It

13. When have you felt unaccepted by other believers?

14. *In what circumstances do you usually worship Jesus?

15. *In what way are people today spiritually blind?

16. How has Jesus healed you of your spiritual blindness?

17. How has Jesus’ healing of your spiritual blindness changed your life?

Apply It

18. For what do you need to worship Jesus and God today?

19. *For what person who is spiritually blind will you pray that God would open his or her eyes?

Verse 36

Joh 9:36

John 9:36

He answered and said, And who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him?—He already believed that he was sent of God and that God was with him. But he did not know that he was the Son of God. So he was ready to believe whatever Jesus would tell him.

Verse 37

Joh 9:37

John 9:37

Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and he it is that speaketh with thee.—Jesus then assured the man that he himself was the Son of God.

Verse 38

Joh 9:38

John 9:38

And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.—The man at once accepted the truth of the statement and confessed his faith in Jesus by worshiping him as the divine Being. [The believer believes with his heart, confesses Christ with his mouth, and shows his faith by obedience.]

Verse 39

Joh 9:39

John 9:39

And Jesus said, For judgment came I into this world, that they that see not may see; and that they that see may become blind.—Those who are thought by others to be fools and claim no wisdom of their own may be made wise with the wisdom of God, and those who think they are wise after the world’s wisdom may be made to realize that they are fools before God. [Jesus came into the world, not to condemn it, but to save it; but the effect of his coming is to reveal every man’s true condition. The light reveals the stains of sin on the heart that would otherwise be unseen. Jesus is the touchstone. He not only gave sight to the blind, but opened the eyes of those who were in the darkness of igno­rance. Publicans and sinners were enabled to see, while Jews and Pharisees, who claimed to be enlightened, were left in darkness, because they closed their eyes and would not hear.]

Verse 40

Joh 9:40

John 9:40

Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and said unto him, Are we also blind?—The Pharisees saw that he classed them as blind and spoke to him of it.

[Jesus had mentioned two classes—those who did not see who should see and those who saw or had the greatest spirit­ual opportunities—who should become blind by willfully clos­ing their eyes.]

Verse 41

Joh 9:41

John 9:41

Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye would have no sin: but now ye say, We see: your sin remaineth.—If ye were really blind ye would not be guilty as you are now in claiming that you are not blind and so refuse to be taught. Because you refuse to acknowledge your blindness and turn to Jesus, you remain in your sins. [If they were blind, that is, entirely without knowledge and means of enlightenment, they would have no moral responsibility, but they claimed to see and had the greatest opportunities for knowing. There­fore, when they closed their eyes against the truth and thus willfully refused to see, they were guilty. Our responsibility is measured by our opportunities and will thus be judged at the last day.]

Questions on John Chapter Nine

E.M. Zerr

1. What unfortunate ’case did Jesus see?

2. To what general cause did the disciples ascribe it?

3. What special information did thcy ask Jesus?

4. Instead, what did Jesus inform them?

5. State the proper period to work.

6. What constitutes the night?

7. How long was the light of Jesus to shine?

8. What did he do for the blind man?

9. State what he told him to do.

10. And what were the results?

11. Whose attention was drawn to the circumstance?

12. State their question.

13. What did others say?

14. Who settled the question?

15. Tell what was asked him.

16. Was his answer correct?

17. What question could he not answer?

18. To whom was this man presented?

19. On what day had the miracle been done?

20. What was repeated to the man?

21. Did he answer correctly?

22. What accusation did some make against Jesus?

23. How did others reason in reply?

24. What took place among them?

25. For what did they call upon the blind man?

26. Repeat his answer.

27. What did the Jews profess to doubt?

28. Whom did they call to settle it?

29. How far were they willing to testify?

30. What did they profess not to know?

31. State their suggestion.

32. Give the reason for their attitude.

33. Calling the blind man, what was he told to do?

34. On what was the suggestion based?

35. What did the man profess not to know?

36. Tell what he did know.

37. What further inquiry did they pretend to make?

38. Of what did the blind man accuse them?

39. At this, what did they say to revile him?

40. What ignorance did they profess?

41. How did they credit Moses?

42. What seemed marvelous thing to the blind man?

43. State his reasoning about hearing sinners.

44. Was the blind man inspired?

45. What had happened for the first time?

46. Tell what he accredited to Jesus.

47. Of what did the Jews accuse the blind man?

48. This disqualified him for what?

49. What did they do for him?

50. Who next found him?

51. State his question.

52. How did he reply?

53. What did Jesus then say?

54. How did this conversation result?

55. For what reason did He come into the world?

56. How was it to affect sight and blindness?

57. Who overheard Jesus?

58. What denial did they put in question form?

59. Tell how they might have been innocent.

60. On what ground was their sin to remain?

Bibliographical Information
"Commentary on John 9". "Old & New Testament Restoration Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/onr/john-9.html.
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