Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Commentaries
2 Chronicles 27

Hawker's Poor Man's CommentaryPoor Man's Commentary

Verse 1


The reign of Jotham is recorded in this chapter. He obtains a victory over the Ammonites. He is succeeded by Ahaz.

2 Chronicles 27:1

It may be proper to observe that the relation given in the Chronicles and in the book of Kings concerning this prince, is nearly one and the same. 2 Kings 15:0 .

Verse 2

Though Jotham did not invade the priests office as his father had done, yet what is said of him concerning his doing right in the sight of the Lord, must be accepted much in the same sense as what was said of Uzziah. The people, it is said, did corruptly. I think it important that the Reader should be reminded that it was during this man's reign, and in the latter part of the reign of his father, that the prophet Isaiah flourished and delivered his prophecy, which he calls a vision. See Isaiah 1:1 .

Verses 3-9

Nothing particularly interesting, more than the common events in the records of the kings of Judah and Israel, meets us in these verses. That they lived, and fought, and built, and died, seems the great outline of their general character. - Let the Reader recollect the one great cause for which their history is preserved; namely, to lead in the succession of the line of David to Christ. It is this which makes the record precious: for this terminates not in an endless genealogy after the law of a carnal commandment, but in Jesus it is plainly after the power of an endless life.

Verse 9


IN the quick succession of kings which this part of the word of God brings forward to view, it is profitable to pause and consider, how transient those characters were in their power and influence, which during their government, no doubt, made a mighty bustle in life, and moved up and down as beings highly important. But alas! what is all human greatness but as a bubble on the mighty waters! precious Jesus! what would the whole earth, with all its greatest monarchies and men be, void of an interest in thee and thy great salvation! How bounded within a short space their lives! how insignificant their existence! how trifling and childish their pursuits! Without thee, thou dear Redeemer, no hopes beyond the grave, no prospect of immortality; no redemption from sin; no resource from the fears of death, nor from the alarms of conscience! wishing to live after death, and yet dreading the hereafter; hoping there might be a place of rest; but in the midst full of a thousand forebodings concerning it! Oh! thou glorious, gracious, precious Jesus! it is thou which hast brought life and immortality to light by thy gospel. And by thy great undertaking thou hast not only opened to thy people clear and distinct views of the everlasting mansions of the blessed, but by thy finished redemption hast purchased eternal happiness for them, and art gone before to take possession of it in their name. Now, Lord, we hail thy glorious person, and adore thee for thy finished work. All thy people are by thee made kings and priests to God and the Father. We have received a kingdom by thee, and in thee, which cannot be moved. Oh! for grace whereby we may serve thee acceptably in this life with reverence and godly fear; until we come to reign with thee in the life that is to come in glory forever.

Bibliographical Information
Hawker, Robert, D.D. "Commentary on 2 Chronicles 27". "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/pmc/2-chronicles-27.html. 1828.
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