Lectionary Calendar
Friday, October 25th, 2024
the Week of Proper 24 / Ordinary 29
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Bible Commentaries
Joshua 10

Simeon's Horae HomileticaeHorae Homileticae

Verses 24-25


Joshua 10:24-25. And it came to pass, when they brought out those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them. And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong, and of good courage: for thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.

THE Jewish history, considered merely as an history, is the most wonderful, and most instructive, that ever was recorded: but considered as a shadow of things to come, it has an interest peculiar to itself. The attention which it excites, is not that of speculative curiosity, but of practical concern: and every one who desires to obtain favour with Israel’s God, feels himself bound to study it, in order to learn from it the character of God, together with the duties and privileges of his chosen people.
Having had frequent occasion, in our discourses on the Pentateuch, to shew, that the figurative import of this history is not imaginary, but real; and that such an explanation of it is strongly intimated in the New Testament; we may dispense with any remarks of that kind at present, and proceed to notice, in reference to the Christian’s warfare, the defeat of the five confederate kings by Joshua; a full account of which is given in the chapter before us.
The things which we shall more particularly refer to, are,


The occasion of the confederacy—

[The Gibeonites, who were a strong and powerful people, had made a league with Joshua, whilst all the other kingdoms of Canaan were determined to oppose him. This incensed all the other powers against them, especially their nearer neighbours, who considered it as betraying the common interest, and as facilitating the threatened subjugation of the whole country. To prevent the influence of such an example, and to punish those whom they regarded as traitors, fire kings united their forces to go and smite Gibeon, before they should be able to obtain any assistance from their new ally. They accordingly went up with all possible expedition to attack the city, and to wreak their vengeance on its inhabitants.
Here then we may see what usually takes place when any of the enemies of Christ submit themselves to him. Their former friends and companions consider it as a defection from their standard, and a dereliction of their cause; and often resent it with no little acrimony [Note: Isaiah 59:15; John 15:19; Luke 12:51-53.]: — — — and though their opposition does not in all cases proceed to the same extremity, it never fails to shew itself in a way of contempt and ridicule [Note: 1 Peter 4:4.]. Satan too is indignant at losing one of his vassals; and not only stimulates his subjects to commence hostilities against them [Note: Ephesians 2:2.], but labours by all possible wiles and devices to reduce them to their former bondage [Note: Ephesians 6:11; Ephesians 6:16; 1 Peter 5:8.] — — — There is the same enmity against the cause of Christ existing now as ever. As “the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers took counsel together, against the Lord, and against his Anointed [Note: Psalms 2:2.],” in the days of old, and the same rage continued against all the Apostles and Disciples in after ages [Note: Acts 4:1-3; Acts 5:18; Acts 5:40; Acts 9:23.], so must it be, and so it will be, as long as Satan shall be permitted to exert any influence over the minds of men [Note: 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Timothy 2:26.]: earth and hell will combine against the Church of Christ; and every one that enters into covenant with Jesus, shall have a powerful confederacy to contend with [Note: Galatians 4:29; 2 Timothy 3:12; Ephesians 6:12.].]

From the occasion of that confederacy, we proceed to notice,


The means by which it was defeated—

[Instantly, and with great importunity, did the Gibeonites make application to Joshua for timely succour [Note: ver. 6.]. They rightly judged, that, having once made a covenant with them, he would afford them his effectual aid. Nor were they disappointed of their hope: for Joshua, without delay, gave orders to his whole army, and marched all night to their deliverance.

Such is the way in which Christians also must obtain deliverance. If they attempt to resist their enemies in their own strength, they will infallibly be vanquished: but if they betake themselves to prayer, they cannot but succeed. Prayer calls Omnipotence to their aid: and while it is yet offering, God will both heat and answer it [Note: Isaiah 65:24.]. Behold the Apostle Paul, how sorely he was beset, how grievously he was assaulted: yet scarcely had he been able thrice to repeat his cry for help, before the Lord answered him, “My grace is sufficient for thee:” and immediately you behold him triumphing, as if all his enemies were lying prostrate at his feet [Note: 2 Corinthians 12:7-9.]. Thus the Christian, whatever confederacy be formed against him, has only to cry unto the Lord for help, saying, “I have no might against this great company that cometh against me, neither know I what to do;” and the victory will be no longer doubtful [Note: 2Ch 20:12; 2 Chronicles 20:15-17.]: the devil himself could not stand before such a prayer as that, but would instantly be put to flight [Note: James 4:7.]. Joshua felt that there was danger of his coming too late: but no such danger exists in relation to the Christian; for his Lord is always near, a present, “a very present help in the time of trouble [Note: Psalms 46:1.].”]

Let us next contemplate,


The extent of that defeat—

[The confederate armies were discomfited in a moment, and the pursuit of them continued so long, that Joshua entreated that the sun and moon might be arrested in their career, in order to afford him light to finish the work he had begun [Note: ver. 12, 13.]. And because the slaughter of them by the hand of Israel was not sufficient, God himself cast down great hailstones upon them, and slew more than all the host of Israel had slain with the sword [Note: ver. 10, 11.]. All the five kings also were taken, and, after the captains of Israel had put their feet upon their necks, were slain, and hanged up on trees, as accursed monuments of God’s wrath and indignation. Thus complete was the destruction of Israel’s enemies by Israel’s God.

Thus shall the Christian also be enabled to say with the Apostle, “Thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ!” When once he has entered into covenant with Christ, “sin shall no more have dominion over him:” “being Christ’s, he shall be enabled to crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts:” yea, God will so give him the victory, that “Satan himself shall be bruised under his feet shortly [Note: Romans 16:20.].” See the victories granted to David in answer to his prayer: these were a counterpart of those recorded in the text, and of those also which every true Christian shall experience [Note: Psalms 18:4-10; Psalms 18:16-19; Psalms 18:36-40; Psalms 18:50.].]

It was not for the purpose of insulting over a vanquished enemy that Joshua ordered his captains to trample on their necks, but in order to shew unto Israel, what sentiments this victory should inspire; and to set before their eyes,


The prospect it afforded them in all their future conflicts—

[Many conflicts yet remained for them, before the whole land would be completely subdued. But, however numerous or severe these conflicts might be, the people had no reason “ to fear or be dismayed,” since every enemy should be subdued before them in like manner, and be, as had long since been foretold, mere “bread for them [Note: Numbers 14:9.].”

In like manner are we also taught to regard our victories as pledges of future and greater conquests. Whilst we are in this militant state, we shall and many enemies to encounter. Sometimes they may appear so formidable as almost to defy Omnipotence itself: but we need not fear: there are at all times “more with us than with them: “we shall always have Jehovah himself on our side: and “if God be for us, who can be against us?” Our own weakness is no ground of fear; because God “will perfect his own strength in our weakness:” “instead of breaking the bruised reed or quenching the smoking flax, he will bring forth judgment unto victory.” In this light then let us view the menaces and assaults of all our enemies: they shall only be the means of displaying and magnifying the power of our God. Only let us remember that encouraging direction, “Call upon me in the time of trouble, and I will hear thee, and thou shalt glorify me; “and then may we rest assured, that “no weapon which is formed against us shall prosper;” yea, we may defy all the powers of earth and hell ever “to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord [Note: Isaiah 54:17; Romans 8:35-39.].”]


To those who put discouragements in the way of repenting sinners—

[Few will acknowledge themselves to be persecutors of the Lord’s people, though there is scarcely a more common character to be found. But know, that mocking is as painful to the mind, as scourging is to the body [Note: Hebrews 10:33; Hebrews 11:36.]:” and “it were better to have a millstone hanged about your neck, and to be cast into the sea, than that you should offend one of Christ’s little ones [Note: Matthew 18:6.]” — — — If any think, that, because multitudes concur with them, they are the less in danger, I would remind them of Gibeon’s enemies, and say, “Associate yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces [Note: Isaiah 8:9-10.].”]


To those who yield to discouragement—

[Think not of your own weakness, but of the power and grace of Christ. And if others cry out by reason of a confederacy, join not with them in their desponding apprehensions, but “sanctify the Lord of Hosts himself, and make him your fear, and him your dread [Note: Isaiah 8:12-13.].”]

Bibliographical Information
Simeon, Charles. "Commentary on Joshua 10". Simeon's Horae Homileticae. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/shh/joshua-10.html. 1832.
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