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Bible Encyclopedias
Esdras, the First Book of
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
1. Name
2. Contents
3. Relation to Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah
4. Versions
5. Date and Authorship
1. Name
In some of the Greek uncials (Codex Vaticanus, etc.) of the Septuagint the book is called Ἔσδρας ,
2. Contents
With the exception of 1 Esdras 3:1 through 5:6 - the incident of the royal banquet and the contest for a prize of the three young men - the present books agree in everything essential, down to the minutest details, with the canonical Ezra and part of 2 Chronicles and Nehemiah. Before discussing the relation between 1 Esdras and the Biblical books named (see next section), it will be advantageous to give an outline of the book now specially under consideration, with reference to the parallel passages in the corresponding parts of the Canon. It will be seen that practically the whole of Ezr is concerned, and for explanations of the parts common to this book and to Neh reference may be made to the Century Bible Commentary on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
1. 1 Esdras 1 = 2 Ch 35:1 through 36:21 and may be analyzed thus:
1 Esdras 1:1-20 = 2 Ch 35:1-19: Josiah's great Passover.
1 Esdras 1:21 f has no exact parallel.
1 Esdras 1:23-31 = 2 Chronicles 35:20-27 : the death of Josiah.
This took place on the battlefield at Megiddo according to 2 Kings 23:29 , but 1 Esdras 1:31 and 2 Chronicles 35:24 say he died at Jerusalem.
1 Esdras 1:32-58 = 2 Ch 36:1-21, closing years of the monarchy followed by the exile in Babylon
2. 1 Esdras 2:1-15 = Ezra 1:1-11 : the return from Babylon through the edict of Cyrus
3. 1 Esdras 2:16-26 = Ezr 4:7-24. Certain Persian officials in Samaria induced King Artaxerxes I (Died 424 bc) to stop the work of rebuilding the temple, which is not resumed until the second year of the reign of Darius Hystaspis (519 bc)
4. 1 Esdras 3:1 through 5:6 has no parallel in any part of the Old Testament
King Darius (Hystaspis?) makes a great feast, after which he returns to his bedchamber but finds sleeping very difficult. Three young men belonging to his bodyguard resolve each to make a sentence to be written down and placed under the king's pillow, so that upon rising from his bed he might hear the three sayings read to him. The question which each one seeks to answer is, What in this world is strongest? The first says it is "wine," the second, that it is "the king." The reply of the third is "woman, though strongest of all is truth" (from this arose the Latin saying Magna est veritas et prevalebit ). The third is declared the best, and as a reward the king offers him whatever he might wish. This young man happened to be Zerubbabel (Zorobabel), and the request that he makes is that King Darius might perform the vow which he made on coming to the throne to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple and to restore the sacred vessels removed to Babylon. This request is at once granted, and there follows an account of the home-coming of Jews exiled in Babylon and the protection accorded them by the Persian government similar to what we read of in 1 Esdras 1 as taking place in the reign of Cyrus. But many things in this narrative are striking and indeed odd. Zerubbabel is called a young man. Among those mentioned in 1 Esdras 5:5 Zerubbabel is not named, though his son Joakim is. In the very next verse (5:6) this Joakim is identified with the young man (Zerubbabel) who won the king's prize for writing the wisest sentence, though the sense is not quite clear; perhaps Zerubbabel is meant in 1 Esdras 5:6. Fritzsche argues that Joakim can alone be meant. This whole episode stands in no organic connection with the rest of 1 Esdras, and if it is omitted the narrative is continuous. Besides this the account given of the return from Babylon contradicts what is said in 1 Esdras 1 and the corresponding part of Ezr. We must regard 1 Esdras 3:1 through 5:6 as a Jewish
5. 1 Esdras 5:7-73 = Ezr 2 through 4:1-5: the names of those who returned with number of animals (horses, etc.) (1 Esdras 5:7-43); altar of burnt offering erected (1 Esdras 5:48); sacrifices offered on It (1 Esdras 5:50). Foundation of the temple laid (1 Esdras 5:56 f). The Jews refuse the offer of the Samaritan party to help in the rebuilding of the temple, with the result that this party had the work stopped (1 Esdras 5:66-73). Ezra 4:6-24 finds its parallel in 1 Esdras 2:16-30 (see above). 1 Esdras 2:30 and 5:73 are evidently duplicates.
6. 1 Esdras 6:1 through 7:15 = Ezr 5:1 through 6:22: Building of the temple resumed through the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah (1 Esdras 6:1 f). Persian officials unsuccessfully oppose the work (1 Esdras 6:3-34) which is soon completed, the temple being then dedicated (1 Esdras 7:1-11). Observance of the Passover (1 Esdras 7:12-15)
Between 1 Esdras 7 and 8 there is an interval of some 60 years, for chapter 8 begins with the arrival of Ezra (458 bc)
7. 1 Esdras 8:1-67 = Ezr 7:1 through 8:36: journey of Ezra and his party from Babylon to Jerusalem bearing letters of authority from King Artaxerxes I (died 424 bc) (1 Esdras 8:1-27); list of those who return (1 Esdras 8:28-40); gathering together of the party by the river Ahava; incidents of the journey; the arrival (1 Esdras 8:41)
8. 1 Esdras 8:68-90 = Ezra 9:1-15 : Ezra's grief on hearing of the marriage of some Jews with foreign wives (1 Esdras 8:68-73). His confession and prayer (1 Esdras 8:74-90)
9. 1 Esdras 8:91 through 9:36 = Ezr 10: the means used to end the mixed marriages; lists of the men (priests and others) who had married strange wives
1 Esdras 9:37-55 = Neh 7:73b through 8:12: the reforms of Ezra. In the canonical Scriptures Neh 7:73b through 10:39 gives the history of Ezra, not that of Nehemiah - the two never labored or lived together at Jerusalem. (The name Nehemiah in Nehemiah 8:9 and Nehemiah 10:1 is an evident interpolation.) In 1 Esdras Nehemiah is not once mentioned in this section. In 1 Esdras 9:49 (parallel Nehemiah 8:9 ) "Attharates" is the word used, and as a proper name (see 1 Esdras 5:40, "Nehemiah and Attharates"). The majority of modern scholars assign this section to Ezra, adding it to Ezr 10, or incorporating it into the Ezra narrative. So Ewald, Wellhausen, Schrader, Klostermann, Baudissin, Budde and Ryssel. The present writer defends this view in the Century Bible in Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther, 242 f. In this case 1 Esdras borrows from Chronicles and Ezra alone and not from Nehemiah. It should be remembered however that Ezra-Nehemiah formed originally but one book. Some will say that Chronicles preceded Ezra-Nehemiah as a single book, but for this there is no evidence (see Century Bible , 4). The last verse of 1 Esdras in all manuscripts ends in the middle of a sentence: "and they assembled ...." Showing that the closing part of the book has been lost. The present writer suggests that the missing part is Neh 8:13 through 10:39, which begins, "and on the second day were gathered together (assembled) the heads of fathers' houses," etc., The same verb being used in the Septuagint Greek of both passages with a very slight difference (ἐπισυνήχθησαν ,
3. The Relation to Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah
Since Neh 7:73b through 8:12 belongs to the Book of Ezra (see above) describing the work of Ezra, not that of Nehemiah, the contents of 1 Esdras are parallel with those of Ezra alone with the exception of Ezra 1:1-11 which agrees with 2 Ch 35:1 through 36:21. Various explanations have been offered, the following being the principal: (1) that 1 Esdras is a compilation based on the Septuagint of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah: so Keil, Bissell and formerly Schürer ( GJV , II, ii, 179 f; Herzog2, I, 496); the arguments for this opinion are well marshaled by Bissell in his Commentary on the Apocrypha (Lange); (2) that 1 Esdras is an independent Greek translation from a now lost Hebrew (or Aramaic) origin in many respects superior to our Massoretic Text: so Whiston, Pohlmann, Herzfeld, Fritzsche, Ginsburg, Cheyne, Thackeray, Nestle, Howarth, Torrey and Bertholet. Most of these writers hold that the original 1 Esdras included the whole of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah; (3) The bulk of those who support view 2 argue that the original 1 Esdras formed the real Septuagint version of Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, what exists in our present Septuagint being another Greek translation, probably by Theodotion (fl, about 150 ad), just as we now know that what up to 1772 (the date of the publication in Rome of the Codex Chisianus) was considered as the Septuagint of Dan is really Theodotion's version. Howarth (see articles in the Academy , 1893; PSBA ,
(1) External Evidence
( a ) Josephus uses this version as his source for the period, though for other Old Testament books he follows the Septuagint. (b ) In the foreword to the Syriac version of 1 Esdras in Walton's Polyglot it is said that this version follows the Septuagint, which surely counts for nothing since copies of the Septuagint known to us contain both 1 Esdras and the Greek translation reckoned up to recently as the true Septuagint. ( c ) Howarth maintains, but without proof, that in Origen's Hexapla , 1 Esdras takes the place of our Septuagint version, and that the same is true of the Virus Itala .
(2) Internal Evidence
( a ) It is said by Dr. Gwyn, Thackeray and Howarth that the Greek of the true Septuagint of Daniel and that of 1 Esdras are very similar in character, which however only goes to prove that one man translated both. (b ) Howarth holds that the Greek of Daniel and Ezra in the orthodox Septuagint version is very literal, as was all Theodotion's translation work. But such statements have to be received with very great caution, as in judging of style so much depends on the personal equation. The present writer has compared carefully parts ascribed with confidence to Theodotion and the Septuagint without reaching the above conclusions. At the most the matter has not been set at rest by any facts or reasoning as yet supplied. It must be admitted that 1 Esdras and Josephus preserve the true sequence of the events chronicled in Neh 7:73b through 10:39, the Massoretic Text and the Greek version based on it having gone wrong at this point, probably through the mixing of Hebrew skins or leaves. Those who see in 1 Esdra the true Septuagint agree almost to a man that 1 Esdras 3:1 through 5:6 is a late interpretation, never having had a Hob original. This may account in a large degree for the vigor and elegance of the Greek Howarth, however, parts company with his friends Torrey, Bertholet, etc., by arguing strenuously for this part. (See more fully in Century Bible , Ezra, etc., 27ff.)
4. Versions
1 Esdras exists in the following ancient versions in addition to the Greek text which may or may not be a translation (see 3 above):
(1) Latin
(A) Jerome
(B) Vulgate
(2) Syriac
(A) The Peshitta
The Peshitta, given in Walton's Polyglot and with a critically revised text by Lagarde ( Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocrypha Syriace , 1861).
(B) The Hexaplar Syriac Version
For details of manuscripts, etc., see "Literature" below.
5. Date and Authorship
Nothing is known or can be conjectured as to the author or translator of 1 Esdras, nor can anything be positively affirmed as to the date. If the work be the genuine Septuagint text this would give it an earlier origin than the view which makes it depend on the Septuagint. But this is to say but little. As Josephus (died 95 ad) used this book it must have been written some years before he wrote his history (say 67 ad). We must assume that it existed some time before the beginning of our era. Ewald, on account of some resemblances to the earliest of the Sibylline Books, dates 1 Esdras about 190 bc. But admitting dependence in this matter - which is doubtful - it is impossible to say which is dependent and which is independent in such cases.
The most important books have been named at the end of the general article on APOCRYPHA (which see). Recent contributions by Howarth and Torrey have been mentioned in the course of the foregoing article.
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Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. Entry for 'Esdras, the First Book of'. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​isb/​e/esdras-the-first-book-of.html. 1915.