Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Interlinear Study Bible

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1 Samuel 11

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2532 And
305 ascended
* Nahash
3588 the
* Ammonite,
2532 and
3924.2 camped
1909 against
* Jabish
* Gilead.
2532 And
2036 said
3956 all
3588 the
435 men
* of Jabish
4314 to
* Nahash
3588 the
* Ammonite,
1303 Ordain
1473 with us
1242 a covenant!
2532 and
1398 we will serve
1473 you.
2532 And kai καὶ C
2036 said eipen εἶπεν V.AAI3S
4314 to pros πρὸς P
1473 them autous αὐτοὺς RD.APM
* Nahash
3588 the ho RA.NSM
* Ammonite,
1722 By en ἐν P
3778 this tautē ταύτῃ RD.DSF
1303 I will ordain diathēsomai διαθήσομαι V.FMI1S
1473 with you hymin ὑμῖν RP.DP
1242 a covenant, diathēkēn διαθήκην, N.ASF
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the ho RA.NSM
1846 gouging out exoryxai ἐξορύξαι V.AAN
1473 hymōn ὑμῶν RP.GP
3956 panta πάντα A.ASM
of all of you
3788 eye ophthalmon ὀφθαλμὸν N.ASM
1188 the right, dexion δεξιόν, A.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
5087 I will make thēsomai θήσομαι V.FMI1S
1473 it
1519 for
3681 scorn oneidos ὄνειδος N.ASN
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
3956 all panta πάντα A.ASM
* Israel.
2532 And kai καὶ C
3004 spoke legousin λέγουσιν V.PAI3P
1473 to him autō αὐτῷ RD.DSM
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
435 men andres ἄνδρες N.NPM
* of Jabish, saying,
447 Spare anes ἄνες V.AAD2S
1473 us hēmas ἡμᾶς, RP.AP
2033 seven hepta ἑπτὰ M
2250 days, hēmeras ἡμέρας, N.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
649 we will send aposteloumen ἀποστελοῦμεν V.FAI1P
32 messengers angelous ἀγγέλους N.APM
1519 unto eis εἰς P
3956 every pan πᾶν A.ASN
3725 border horion ὅριον N.ASN
* of Israel.
2532 And kai καὶ C
1437 if ean ἐὰν C
3361 there might not mē μὴ D
1510.3 be V.PAS3S
3588   hoi οἱ RA.NPM
4982 one delivering sōzōn σῴζων V.PAPNSM
1473 us, hēmas ἡμᾶς, RP.AP
2532 then kai καὶ C
1831 we will come forth exeleusometha ἐξελευσόμεθα V.FMI1P
4314 to pros πρὸς P
1473 you. hymas ὑμᾶς. RP.AP
2532 And kai καὶ C
2064 came erchontai ἔρχονται V.PMI3P
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
32 messengers angeloi ἄγγελοι N.NPM
1519 into eis εἰς P
* Gibeah
4314 to pros πρὸς P
* Saul,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2980 they spoke lalousin λαλοῦσιν V.PAI3P
3588   hoi οἱ RA.NPM
3056 logous λόγους N.APM
these words
1519 into eis εἰς P
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
3775 ears ōta ὦτα N.APN
3588 of the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
2992 people; laou λαοῦ, N.GSM
2532 and kai καὶ C
142 lifted up ēran ἦραν V.AAI3P
3956 all pas πᾶς A.NSM
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
2992 people laou λαοῦ, N.GSM
3588   hoi οἱ RA.NPM
5456 phōnēn φωνὴν N.ASF
1473 autōn αὐτῶν RD.GPM
their voice,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2799 they wept. eklausan ἔκλαυσαν. V.AAI3P
2532 And kai καὶ C
2400 behold, idou ἰδοὺ I
* Saul
2064 came ērcheto ἤρχετο V.IMI3S
2733.5 from behind
3588 the to τὸ RA.ASN
1016 oxen
1537 from out of ex ἐξ P
68 the field. agrou ἀγροῦ, N.GSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
5100 Why ti τί RI.ASN
3754 is it that hoti ὅτι C
2799 weep klaiei κλαίει V.PAI3S
3588 the to τὸ RA.ASN
2992 people? laos λαός N.NSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1334 they described diēgountai διηγοῦνται V.PMI3P
1473 to him autō αὐτῷ RD.DSM
3588 the to τὸ RA.ASN
4487 words rhēmata ῥήματα N.APN
3588 of the to τὸ RA.ASN
435 men
* of Jabish.
2532 And kai καὶ C
2177 sprang up ephēlato ἐφήλατο V.AMI3S
4151 spirit pneuma πνεῦμα N.NSN
2962 of the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
* Saul,
5613 as hōs ὡς C
191 he heard ēkousen ἤκουσεν V.AAI3S
3588   ta τὰ RA.APN
4487 rhēmata ῥήματα N.APN
3778 tauta ταῦτα, RD.APN
these words,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2373 enraged ethymōthē ἐθυμώθη V.API3S
1909 over epi ἐπὶ P
1473 them autous αὐτοὺς RD.APM
3709 orgē ὀργὴ N.NSF
1473 autou αὐτοῦ RD.GSM
his anger
4970 was exceedingly. sphodra σφόδρα. D
2532 And kai καὶ C
2983 he took elaben ἔλαβεν V.AAI3S
1417 two dyo δύο M
1016 oxen, boas βόας N.APM
2532 and kai καὶ C
3192.1 dismembered emelisen ἐμέλισεν V.AAI3S
1473 them, autas αὐτὰς RD.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
649 sent them apesteilen ἀπέστειλεν V.AAI3S
1519 unto eis εἰς P
3956 every pan πᾶν A.ASN
3725 border horion ὅριον N.ASN
* of Israel
1722 by en ἐν P
5495 the hand cheiri χειρὶ N.DSF
32 of messengers, angelōn ἀγγέλων N.GPM
3004 saying, legōn λέγων V.PAPNSM
3739 Whosoever hos ὃς RR.NSM
1607 going forth ekporeuomenos ἐκπορευόμενος V.PMPNSM
3694 after opisō ὀπίσω P
* Saul
2532 and kai καὶ C
3694 after opisō ὀπίσω P
* Samuel,
2596 according to kata κατὰ P
3592 thus tade τάδε RD.APN
4160 they shall do poiēsousin ποιήσουσιν V.FAI3P
3588 to tois τοῖς RA.DPM
1016 boas βόας N.APM
1473 autou αὐτοῦ. RD.GSM
his oxen.
2532 And kai καὶ C
4098 there fell
1611 a change of state ekstasis ἔκστασις N.NSF
2962 of the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
1909 upon epi ἐπὶ P
3588 the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
2992 people, laon λαὸν N.ASM
2532 and kai καὶ C
994 they yelled eboēsan ἐβόησαν V.AAI3P
5613 as hōs ὡς C
435 man anēr ἀνὴρ N.NSM
1520 one. eis εἰς P
2532 And kai καὶ C
1980 he numbered episkeptetai ἐπισκέπτεται V.PMI3S
1473 them autous αὐτοὺς RD.APM
* in Bezek,
3956 all pan πᾶν A.NSN
435 the men andra ἄνδρα N.ASM
* of Israel --
5145 three hundred
5505 thousand, chiliadas χιλιάδας N.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
435 the men andra ἄνδρα N.ASM
* of Judah --
5144 thirty
5505 thousand. chiliadas χιλιάδας N.APF
2532 And kai καὶ C
2036 he said eipen εἶπεν V.AAI3S
3588 to the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
32 messengers, angelois ἀγγέλοις N.DPM
3588 to the ones tois τοῖς RA.DPM
2064 coming, erchomenois ἐρχομένοις V.PMPDPM
3592 Thus tade τάδε RI.APN
2046 you shall say ereite ἐρεῖτε V.FAI2P
3588 to the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
435 men andrasin ἀνδράσιν N.DPM
* of Jabish
* Gilead,
839 Tomorrow aurion αὔριον D
1510.8.3 there will be
1473 hymin ὑμῖν RP.DP
3588 tois τοῖς RA.DPM
4991 sōtēria σωτηρία N.NSF
deliverance to you
1241.1 at the warming through diathermanantos διαθερμάναντος V.AAPGSM
3588 of the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
2246 sun. hēliou ἡλίου. N.GSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
2064 came erchomenois ἐρχομένοις V.PMPDPM
3588 the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
32 messengers angelois ἀγγέλοις N.DPM
1519 into eis εἰς P
3588 the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
4172 city, polin πόλιν N.ASF
2532 and kai καὶ C
518 they reported apangellousin ἀπαγγέλλουσιν V.PAI3P
3588 to the tois τοῖς RA.DPM
435 men andrasin ἀνδράσιν N.DPM
* of Jabish,
2532 and kai καὶ C
2165 they were glad. euphranthēsan εὐφράνθησαν. V.API3P
2532 And kai καὶ C
2036 said eipan εἶπαν V.AAI3P
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
435 men andres ἄνδρες N.NPM
* of Jabish
4314 to pros πρὸς P
* Nahash
3588 the hoi οἱ RA.NPM
* Ammonite,
839 Tomorrow aurion αὔριον D
1831 we shall come forth exeleusometha ἐξελευσόμεθα V.FMI1P
4314 to pros πρὸς P
1473 you, hymas ὑμᾶς, RP.AP
2532 and kai καὶ C
4160 you shall do poiēsete ποιήσετε V.FAI2P
1473 to us hēmin ἡμῖν RP.DP
3588 what hoi οἱ RA.NPM
18 is good agathon ἀγαθὸν A.ASN
1799 enōpion ἐνώπιον P
1473 you. hymōn ὑμῶν. RP.GP
2532 And kai καὶ C
1096 it came to pass egenēthē ἐγενήθη V.API3S
3326 with meta μετὰ P
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
839 morning, aurion αὔριον D
2532 that kai καὶ C
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
2992 people laon λαὸν N.ASM
1519 into eis εἰς P
5140 three treis τρεῖς A.APF
746 companies, archas ἀρχάς, N.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1531 they entered eisporeuontai εἰσπορεύονται V.PMI3P
1519 into eis εἰς P
3319 the midst meson μέσον A.ASN
3588 of the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
3925 camp parembolēs παρεμβολῆς N.GSF
1722 in en ἐν P
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
4407 early morning prōinē πρωινῇ A.DSF
5438 watch, phylakē φυλακῇ N.DSF
2532 and kai καὶ C
5180 they struck etypton ἔτυπτον V.IAI3P
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
5207 sons huious υἱοὺς N.APM
* of Ammon
2193 until heōs ἕως P
1241.1 warmed through diethermanthē διεθερμάνθη V.API3S
3588 the tēn τὴν RA.ASF
2250 day. hēmera ἡμέρα, N.NSF
2532 And kai καὶ C
1096 it came to pass, egenēthē ἐγενήθη V.API3S
3588 the ones tēn τὴν RA.ASF
5275 being left behind hypoleleimmenoi ὑπολελειμμένοι V.XMPNPM
1289 were scattered, diesparēsan διεσπάρησαν, V.API3P
2532 and kai καὶ C
3756 there was not ouch οὐχ D
5275 left behind hypoleleimmenoi ὑπολελειμμένοι V.XMPNPM
1722 among en ἐν P
1473 them autois αὐτοῖς RD.DPM
1417 two dyo δύο M
3588 tēn τὴν RA.ASF
1473 auto αὐτό. RD.ASN
2532 And kai καὶ C
2036 said eipen εἶπεν V.AAI3S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2992 people laos λαὸς N.NSM
4314 to pros πρὸς P
* Samuel,
5100 Who is tis τίς RI.ASN
3588 the one ho RA.NSM
2036 saying, eipen εἶπεν V.AAI3S
* Saul
3756 shall not ou οὐ D
936 reign basileusei βασιλεύσει V.FAI3S
1909 over
1473 us?
3860 Deliver up parados παράδος V.AAD2S
3588 the ho RA.NSM
435 men! andras ἄνδρας, N.APM
2532 and kai καὶ C
2289 thanatōsomen θανατώσομεν V.FAI1P
1473 autous αὐτούς. RD.APM
we will kill them.
2532 And kai καὶ C
3756 Not ouk οὐκ D
599 shall die apothaneitai ἀποθανεῖται V.FMI3S
3762 any one oudeis οὐδεὶς A.NSM
1722 in en ἐν P
3588   tē τῇ RA.DSF
2250 hēmera ἡμέρᾳ N.DSF
3778 tautē ταύτῃ, RD.DSF
this day,
3754 for hoti ὅτι C
4594 today sēmeron σήμερον D
4160 epoiēsen ἐποίησεν V.AAI3S
2962 kyrios κύριος N.NSM
the lord
4991 deliverance sōtērian σωτηρίαν N.ASF
1722 in en ἐν P
* Israel.
2532 And kai καὶ C
4314 to pros πρὸς P
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
2992 people, laon λαὸν N.ASM
3004 saying, legōn λέγων V.PAPNSM
1205 Come,
4198 we should go poreuthōmen πορευθῶμεν V.PAS1P
1519 unto eis εἰς P
* Gilgal,
2532 and kai καὶ C
1457 we should renew enkainisōmen ἐγκαινίσωμεν V.AAS1P
1563 there ekei ἐκεῖ D
3588 the ton τὸν RA.ASM
932 kingdom. basileian βασιλείαν. N.ASF
2532 And kai καὶ C
4198 went eporeuthē ἐπορεύθη V.API3S
3956 all pas πᾶς A.NSM
3588 the ho RA.NSM
2992 people laos λαὸς N.NSM
1519 unto eis εἰς P
* Gilgal;
2532 and kai καὶ C
1519 as eis εἰς P
935 king basilea βασιλέα N.ASM
1799 before enōpion ἐνώπιον P
2962 the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
1722 in en ἐν P
* Gilgal.
2532 And kai καὶ C
2380 he sacrificed ethysen ἔθυσεν V.AAI3S
1563 there ekei ἐκεῖ D
2378 sacrifice offerings thysias θυσίας N.APF
2532 and kai καὶ C
1516 peace offerings eirēnikas εἰρηνικὰς A.APF
1799 before enōpion ἐνώπιον P
2962 the lord kyriou κυρίου N.GSM
2532 And kai καὶ C
1563 there ekei ἐκεῖ D
* Saul
2532 and kai καὶ C
3956 all pas πᾶς A.NSM
435 the men
* of Israel
4970 greatly.
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