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Strong's #3199 - μέλω

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Liddell-Scott-Jones Definitions


Med. μέλομαι, used in both voices, either in neut. sense, to be an object of care or thought, or in act. sense, care for, take an interest in. pres. μέλω: impf. ἔμελον, μέλον Od. 5.6: fut. μελήσω, inf. μελησέμεν Il. 10.51: aor. ἐμέλησα: pf. μεμέληκα; also and Lyr. μέμηλα, Dor. part. μεμᾱλώς dub. in Pi. O. 1.89 (for forms of Med. v.infr. 111.2): almost always 3 sg. and pl., exc. in pres. (v. infr.): to be an object of care or thought, sts. with a personal subject (not in Att. Prose):


1. πᾶσι δόλοισιν ἀνθρώποισι μέλω by all manner of wiles am I in men's thoughts, i. e. am well known to them, Od. 9.20; Ἀργὼ πᾶσι μέλουσα 12.70; μελήσεις ἄφθιτον ἀνθρώποις αἰὲν ἔχων ὄνομα Thgn. 245; Εὐθυμίᾳ μέλων εἴην Pi. Fr. 155; μέλει σφισὶ Καλλιόπα Id. O. 10(11).14; ἵνα θανοῦσα νερτέροισιν μέλω E. Andr. 850 (lyr.); Ἔρως.. οὐρανίδαισι μέλων Id. Tr. 842; μέλων πολλοῖσι AP 5.121 (Diod.); ἡ μέλουσα ἀγέλη Them. Or. 1.10a: pf. part., ἀρεταῖσι μεμαλότας dear to virtue, Pi. O. 1.89 (dub.); μέλεγάρ οἱ [Ὀδυσσεύς ] Od. 5.6; τὸν ξεῖνον δὲ ἐῶμεν... Τηλεμάχῳ μελέμεν 18.420: but more freq. of things, μή τοι ταῦτα... μελόντων let not these things weigh on thy soul, Il. 18.463, Od. 13.362; μηδέ τί οἱ θάνατος μελέτω φρεσί Il. 24.152; σοὶ χρὴ τάδε πάντα μέλειν 'tis good these things should be a care to thee, 5.490; πόλεμος δ' ἄνδρεσσι μελήσει 6.492; μελήσουσιν δ' ἐμοὶ ἵπποι 5.228; ᾧ τόσσα μέμηλε 2.25; οἷς ὕβρις μέμηλε κακή Hes. Op. 238; τοῖσιν.. ἐνὶ φρεσὶν ἄλλα μεμήλει Od. 1.151, cf. Il. 2.614; ὅσα φημὶ μελησέμεν Ἀργείοισι 10.51; ἔλεγε.. κομιδῆς πέρι τὴν ὥρην αὐτῷ μελήσειν Hdt. 8.19; μέλει γὰρ ἀνδρὶ.. τἄξωθεν A. Th. 200; σοὶ χρὴ μέλειν ἐπιστολάς Id. Proverbs 3:1-35; οὗτος.. δμωσὶν ἂν μέλοι πόνος E. Supp. 939; ἃ τοῖσιν ἀστοῖς ἔμελεν Ar. Ec. 459; τοῖσδε μελήσει γάμος E. El. 1342 (anap.); τοῦτο ἴσασιν ἐμοὶ μεμεληκός X. Revelation 20:1-15.

2. impers. c. inf., οὐκ ἔμελέν μοι ταῦτα μεταλλῆσαι Od. 16.465; so in A. Ag. 1250, Th. 1.141, etc.; also, μοι ἐμέλησεν ὥστε εἰδέναι X. Cyr. 6.3.19: united with the personal construction, οὗτος μητρὶ κηδεύειν μέλει E. Rh. 983.

3. less freq. with a Conj., οὐ μέλειν οἱ ὅτι ἀποθνῄσκει Hdt. 9.72; σοὶ μελέτω ὅκως.. Id. 1.9, cf. X. An. 1.8.13, etc.; ὡς δὲ καλῶς ἕξει.., ἐμοὶ μελήσει Id. Cyr. 3.2.13; ἐμοὶ τοῦτο μέλει, μὴ.. S. Ph. 1121 (lyr.); οὐ τοσοῦτόν μοι μέλει εἰ.. Lys. 21.12.

4. 3 sg. is freq. used impers. with the object in gen., and pers. in dat., ᾧ μέλει μάχας to whom there is care for the battle, who careth for it, A. Ch. 946 (lyr.), cf. Ag. 974; ἐμοὶ δ' ἔλασσον Ζηνὸς ἢ μηδὲν μέλει Id. Pr. 938; θεοῖσιν εἰ δίκης μέλει S. Ph. 1036; Ζηνὶ τῶν σῶν μέλει πόνων E. Heracl. 717; πάνυ μοι τυγχάνει μεμεληκὸς τοῦ ᾄσματος Pl. Prt. 339b; also μέλει μοι περί τινος A. Ch. 780, Ar. Lys. 502, Pl. Alc. 2.150d; μεμέληκέ μοι περὶ αὐτῶν Id. Cra. 428b: less freq. with ὑπέρ, εἴπερ ὑπὲρ τοῦ κοινῇ βελτίστου δεῖ μέλειν ὑμῖν D. 21.37.

5. abs., μηδέ σοι μελησάτω A. Pr. 334; οἶμαι θεοῖς τοῖς κάτω μέλειν, οἳ (nisi leg. οἷς) ἠδίκηνται Antipho 1.31.

6. freq. with a neg., οὐδέν μοι μέλει I care not, Ar. Ra. 655; μή νυν μελέτω σοι μηδέν Id. Pl. 208; τῷ δ' οὐδὲν μ. Alex. 178.2; so τί δέ σοι μέλει; Diph. 73.10.


1. μέλον ἔστι periphr. for μέλει, as τοῖσδ' ἔσται μ. S. OC 653, cf. 1433.

2. neut. part. used abs., οὐδὲν ἄρ' ἐμοῦ μέλον for they took no thought of me, Ar. V. 1288; δῆλον ὅτι οἶσθα, μέλον γέ σοι since you care about it, Pl. Ap. 24d; οὐδὲν αὐτῷ μ. τοῦ τοιούτου Id. Phdr. 235a; μ. αὐτοῖς ἰσχυρῶς ὅπῃ τὸ μέλλον ἀποβήσοιτο X. Cyr. 5.2.24; οὔτε σκοπούμεναι οὔτε μ. αὐταῖς ἄλλο ἢ χαρίζεσθαι Pl. Grg. 501b.


1. Med. is used by Poets and in Hp. like Act., μελόμεθα, -ησόμεθα, Hp. 27; to be an object of care, Ἄρτεμιν ᾇ μελόμεσθα E. Hipp. 60: mostly in 3 sg., ἐμοὶ δέ κε ταῦτα μελήσεται Il. 1.523; μή τί τοι ἡγεμόνος γε ποθὴ μελέσθω let it not weigh on thy mind, Od. 10.505; τἀντεῦθεν.. αὐτῷ μελέσθω Λοξίᾳ A. Eu. 61; τἀνθάδ' ἂν μέλοιτ' ἐμοί S. El. 1436; γάμους.. σοὶ χρὴ μέλεσθαι E. Ph. 759, etc.; ἰαχὰν μελομέναν νεκροῖς ib. 1302: rarely impers., σοὶ.. μελέσθω φρουρῆσαι S. El. 74; μέλεταί τινί τινος Theoc. 1.53, Orac. ap. Luc. Alex. 24.

2. pf. and plpf. Pass. μέμβλεται, μέμβλετο (fr. μέ-μλ-εται, μέ-μλ-ετο), with pres. and impf. sense, ἦ νύ τοι οὐκέτι πάγχυ μετὰ φρεσὶ μέμβλετ' Ἀχιλλεύς (for μέλει); Il. 19.343; μέμβλετο γάρ οἱ τεῖχος (for ἔμελε) 21.516; φόνος δέ οἱ οὐκ ἐνὶ θυμῷ μέμβλετο Od. 22.12; ᾗσιν ἀοιδὴ μέμβλεται ἐν στήθεσσιν Hes. Th. 61: hence later formed a pres. μέμβλομαι, 2 pl. μέμβλεσθε A.R. 2.217; 3 pl. μέμβλονται, in act. sense (cf. B. 11 infr.), μ. πόνοισι Opp. H. 4.77: the regul. pf. and plpf. (with pres. and impf. sense) also occur in later Poets, μεμέληται Opp. C. 1.436; Φοίβῳ μεμελήμεθα AP 10.17 (Antiphil.); μεμέληνται Call. Fr.anon. 119, Opp. C. 1.349: 2 and 3 plpf. μεμέλησο, -το, AP 5.219 (Agath.), Theoc. 17.46; part. μεμελημένος, α, ον, cared for, πολλοῖς μεμελημέναι ἡρωῖναι Id. 26.36, cf. AP 7.199 (Tymn.): aor. part. Pass. μεληθέν ib. 5.200; cf. βέβλεσθαι.

1. with an object, care for, take an interest in a thing, c. gen., Hom. only in pf. part., μέγα πλούτοιο μεμηλώς busied with, attending to.., Il. 5.708; μέγα πτολέμοιο μεμηλώς 13.297: later in pres., οὐκ ἔφα τις θεοὺς βροτῶν ἀξιοῦσθαι μέλειν A. Ag. 370 (lyr.); μέλειν μὲν ἡμῶν S. Aj. 689; δεινόν σε.. τικτούσης μέλειν Id. El. 342: later c. dat., care for, μέλω κύρτοις Revelation 10:10 (Arch. Jun.); θεοῖς μέλοντες Plu. Sull. 7: abs., to be anxious, μέλει.. κέαρ A. Th. 288, cf. Pers. 1049 (both lyr.); μελούσῃ καρδίᾳ E. Rh. 770.

2. rarely c. acc., πεντήκοντα βοῶν ἀντάξια ταῦτα μέμηλας thou hastinvented, h.Merc. 437 (fort. μέμηδας).

3. c. inf., θεοὶ τῶν ἀδίκων μέλουσι (μέλλουσι codd. opt.) καὶ τῶν ὁσίων ἐπᾴειν E. HF 773 (s.v.l.). II Med. μέλομαι, care for, take care of, c. gen., A. Th. 177 (lyr.), S. OT 1466, E. Hipp. 109, Heracl. 354 (lyr.), A.R. 1.967; τὰ λοιπά μου μέλου (where τὰ λ. is adverbial) S. OC 1138; μεμελημένοι ἀέθλων Opp. H. 4.101: c. dat., ἐτητυμίῃ μεμελημένος Call. Aet. 3.1.76; ἱππασίῃ μεμελημένον ἦτορ Q.S. 4.500: c. acc., μέλομαι ῥόδον (prob. l. for μέλπομαι) Anacreont. 53.2: with Preps., μέλεσθαι ἀμφί τι or τινος, A.R. 2.376, 4.491; ἀμφ' αἰγῶν μεμελημένοι AP 6.221 (Leon.); ἐμέλοντο περὶ σφίσιν A.R. 3.1172: c. inf., μέλομαι.. ἀείδειν Anacr. 65; μελέσθω λαὸς ἐκπονεῖν ἄκη A. Supp. 367, cf. E. Heracl. 96 (lyr.): aor. in same sense, c. gen., τάφου μεληθείς S. Aj. 1184.

Thayer's Expanded Definition

μέλει, 3 person singular present of μέλω used impersonally; imperfect ἔμελεν; it is a care: τίνι, to one; as in Greek writings with the nominative of the thing, οὐδέν τούτων, Acts 18:17; with the genitive of the thing (as often in Attic), μή τῶν βοῶν μέλει τῷ Θεῷ; 1 Corinthians 9:9 (Buttmann, § 132, 15; cf. Winer's Grammar, 595 (554)); the thing which is a care to one, or about which he is solicitous, is evident from the context, 1 Corinthians 7:21; περί τίνος, genitive of object, to care about, have regard for, a person or a thing: Matthew 22:16; Mark 12:14; John 10:13; John 12:6; 1 Peter 5:7, (Herodotus 6, 101; Xenophon, mem. 3, 6, 10; Cyril 4, 5, 17; Hier. 9, 10; 1 Macc. 14:43; Wis. 12:13; Epistle of Barnabas 1, 5 [ET]; cf. Winer's Grammar, § 30, 10 d.); followed by ὅτι, Mark 4:38; Luke 10:40.

Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc.
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Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

μέλω ,

[in LXX: Job 22:3 (H2656), Tobit 10:5, Wisdom of Solomon 12:13, 1 Maccabees 14:42-43 *;]

1. intrans., to be an object of care, be a care; commonly in third pers.: c. dat. pers., Acts 18:17; very freq. impers., 1 Corinthians 7:21; seq. ὅτι , Mark 4:38, Luke 10:40; c. gen. rei (as freq. in Att..), 1 Corinthians 9:9; seq. περί , Matthew 22:16, Mark 12:14, John 10:13; John 12:6, 1 Peter 5:7.

2. Trans., in act. and mid., to care for (not in LXX or NT).†

μέλει , see μέλω .

Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament.
Copyright © 1922 by G. Abbott-Smith, D.D., D.C.L.. T & T Clarke, London.
Vocabulary of the Greek NT

For the impersonal μέλει, ";it is a care,"; c. dat. of the person and περί, as in Matthew 22:16 al., cf. P Lond 897.27 (A.D. 84) (= III. p. 207) οἶδα γὰρ ἐμαυτῶι (cf. 1 Corinthians 4:4) [μὲν ?] ὅτι μέλει σοι πολλὰ περὶ ἐμοῦ, μελήσει σοι δὲ ὡς ὑπὲρ ἰδίον τέκνου, ";for I am conscious that you are as much concerned about me as you will be concerned regarding your own child,"; P Oxy VIII. 1155.5 (A.D. 104) εὐθέως ἔμελκε ἐμοὶ περὶ τοῦ πραγ ̣αματος (l. πράγματος) οὗ με ἠρώτηκες, ";I immediately attended to the matter about which you asked me"; (Ed.), P Ryl II. 241.8 (iii/A.D.) μελησάτσω (l.άτω) σοι περὶ ὧν σοι ἐνετίλατο Σωκ (ράτης), ";be careful of the orders which Socrates gave you"; (Edd.). Other exx. of the verb are P Amh II. 131.8 (early ii/A.D.) μελησάτω σοι ὅπως ἀγορασθῇ τὰ κενώματα, ";see that the empty jars are bought"; (Edd.), P Oxy III. 530.8 (ii/A.D.) τὸ δὲ πραγμάτιον περὶ οὗ ἔγραψα Θέωνι μὴ μελέτω σοι εἰ μὴ τετέλεσται, ";do not be concerned that the matter about which I wrote to Theon has not been carried out"; (Edd.), and ib. VI. 930.11 (ii/iii A.D.) ἐμέλησε δέ μοι πέμψαι καὶ πυθέσθαι περὶ τῆς ὑγίας σου, ";I took care to send and ask about your health"; (Edd.), and from the inscrr. C. and B. ii. p. 700, No. 635 (iii/A.D.) οὐκ ἤμην · ἐγενόμην · οὐκ ἔσομαι · οὐ μέλι μοι · ὁ βίος ταῦτα (note the idiomatic ταῦτα).


The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
Copyright © 1914, 1929, 1930 by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Derivative Copyright © 2015 by Allan Loder.
List of Word Forms
εμελεν ἔμελεν έμελλεν μελει μέλει μελετω μελέτω emelen émelen melei mélei meleto meletō meléto melétō
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